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  1. 3/17 3. Studying and creating a comprehensive knowledge commons about P2P developments that can be used by the general public, researchers and business 4. Curating the best content on P2P and the Commons from around the globe 5. Offering a pluralistic

  2. 2011年2月26日 · International Fan Labor in Swedish Independent Music. Essay: Amateur experts: International fan labor in Swedish independent music. Nancy K. Baym and Robert Burnett. Paper Prepared for Internet Research, 9.0, Copenhagen, Denmark. October, 2008.

  3. Integral means the capacity to embrace different seemingly different paradigms in a higher unity, transcending and including’ the best of each. For the moment, integral approaches have themselves been slanted ‘left’ or ‘right’. In fact, the creation of the P2P Foundation was explicitly formulated in my mind, as a left integral project.

    • First Freedom: Own Name
    • Second Freedom: Nicknames
    • Third Freedom: Trust
    • Fourth Freedom: Privacy
    • Fifth Freedom - Expression
    • Sixth Freedom - Hardware
    • Seventh Freedom - Software

    You must be free to choose a name for yourself, any name. It need not be a weird name such as "joseph underscore smith at yahoo dot com dot tee vee". It can be "Joseph Smith" with a right to spaces, capital letters, everything. It need not be a new, exclusive name either. If I changed my name to access a system, just because someone said there alre...

    You must be free to call your friends whatever you like. If you have a dentist called "Frederick Smith" and a cousin with the same name, you may give one of them the nickname "Dentist" and the other the nickname "Freddy". Notice that your cousin is now "Freddy" to you, rather than "freddy smith with no space at hotmail dot com". Your dentist's secr...

    You must be free to trust whoever you wish. Anyone can be sovereign on his own, isolated on an island, but this is no fun. Things become more difficult and more interesting when you start interacting with other people. What determines the intensity of your interactions with other people is the degree of trust you place in them. What is the address ...

    There are two aspects to privacy: You must be free to see only what you want to see and, You must be free to maintain information hidden from people you do not trust. This second aspect, secrecy, is obvious. The following are some examples of the first aspect. Whenever your search for a page, music, film or any other resource, you may order results...

    You must be free to express yourself. To depend on a static web host or blog host is not to be free. To be limited to these ridiculous vehicles is also far from being free. Besides, it must be extremely easy for your friends, for people who trust you, to hear your voice, to know your opinion on matters of interest to them. Musical taste is a very d...

    You must be free to share your hardware resources as you wish. I have a 30GB surplus on my HD and a 17kbps surplus on my Internet link to let. Are you capable of leasing to me 4MB of your RAM and 7MHz of your processor in exchange for that? Do you even know anyone who is? There are about three people I know who could do that but only after they had...

    You must be free to share all the software you use with whoever you wish. For such, it is essential to use Free Software, of course. The four freedoms defined by the Free Software Foundation are therefore considered freedoms 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of sovereign computing. But using Free Software is not enough. Software must also be extremely easy, si...

  4. URL = Description "GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. A ...

  5. Probably the best documentary on how monetary creation works, though based on the situation in the UK. Description "97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary to tackle this ...

  6. This chapter explores historical ideas of Chinese (huaxia) identity through an examination of ethnic concepts implied in historical writings on the Five Dynasties, completed in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries.

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