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  1. 2021年8月23日 · 這遊戲出來10多年了,在台灣還是很多人在線上或街機交流. 故本人用自己10多年的經驗,排上角色評分! 歡迎大家理性討論,勿戰^^ . 3. . - 0. 回覆. 還有 24 則留言. 安德烈斯. [A8810224:明鏡止水kyo52074] 不我是說QQ. B26. 2021-08-24 03:22:42. kyo52074 (勇哥)

  2. 2005年1月25日 · 出招指令. 分類 招名 指令 介紹. 普通投 絕對凍結 近←or→+C. 普通投 後方切擊 近←or→+D. 特殊技 寸殺 →+A Counter 時Wire Attack. 特殊技 滑行射擊 ↘+B 下段. 特殊技 臨界冰點 ↘+C. 必殺技 鑽石氣息 ↓↘→+A/C. 必殺技 烏鴉咬 →↓↘+A/C. 必殺技 貝殼反擊 ↓↙←+A/C. 必殺技 旋轉裏斯 ↓↙←+B/D. 必殺技 追加攻擊站立 →+B. 必殺技 追加攻擊座下 →+D. 超必殺 鑽石冰刃 ↓↘→↓↘→+A/C. MAX超殺 冰凍結界 (→↘↓↙←)×2+AC. MAX超殺 啦 家長 啦 空中↓↘→↓↘→+BD 連打損害提高. MAX2超殺 完全凍結 A+C,B+D ,A+B+C. 連續技. 指令.

  3. 格鬥天王2002 》 (日語:ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ2002,英語:The King of Fighters 2002) 是 格鬥遊戲 格鬥天王系列 的第八作,由原 SNK 員工組建的Playmore(原名Brezzasoft)開發, Playmore 和韓國廠商 Eolith 共同發行。 本作最初在2002年於日本登陸 Neo Geo 的大型電玩系統,並先後移植至Neo Geo家用機、 Dreamcast 、 PlayStation 2 和 Xbox 平台。 其中,PlayStation 2版和XBox與其續作《 格鬥天王2000 》在北美捆綁發行。

  4. Grab a friend and play together in KOF Wing Ex 2! Choose 1 of the 20 characters from the two popular brawler game franchise and battle it out for the new championship. KOF Wing Ex 2 is an incredible fan-made arcade fighting mash-up game that combines the characters and lore of Street Fighter and King of Fighters games.

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    In this storyline, there are not three sacred treasures, but ten. A man named Gustav Munchausen is trying to revive the spirit of Goenitz by channeling it in a boy's body. The boy, Sinobu Amou, is one of the ten sacred treasures, and Gustav hosts the King of Fighters EX2 tournament to test his new weapon's power.

    Being the second installment of the KOF Series on Nintendo's 32-bit handheld, this title brings a lot of gameplay characteristics and elements taken from its arcade/console counterpart, The King of Fighters 2000Such examples include the backgrounds and a good part of its musical repertoire. However, a set of additional stuff was included, like the ...

    Solely in this game, an oddity exists where Ryo's 3B/df+B command normal (the Gedan Uke) and his original crouching B have swapped commands. Other than that however, the two moves still function pr...

  5. 2021年3月8日 · 近日,周星馳的經典作品《功夫》續集《功夫2微博上流傳著即將上映的消息,一張橘色的電影海報中,畫上了他裸著上身的模樣,上面還寫著日期「2022年9月30日」,似乎確定了上映的日期,更傳出他為了紀念好友吳孟達的過世,將在片中演出紀念 ...

  6. Joe performs a horizontal kick moving across the screen, which does good damage. hcf + B version goes about 1/3 screen length while hcf + D goes 3/4 length. has some recovery time if blocked, though if done from far away it's usually difficult to punish on block.