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  1. Description From the Wikipedia: "In his 1996 work Coming into Being: Artifacts and Texts in the Evolution of Consciousness, Thompson applied an approach that was similar to his 1981 book to many other artifacts, cultures and historical periods. A notable ...

  2. According to (Blanc, 1998), the experiment was replicated in the United States, where around 15 towns issued interest-free money. However, due to a lack of clarity with the procedures, the experiment worked out badly, fraudulence and barter flourished. Similar projects were also tried out in Canada and France."

  3. There are two important aspects to the emergence of P2P in the economic sphere. On the one hand, as a format for peer production processes (called ‘Commons-based peer production' or CBPP by Yochai Benkler) [1] it is emerging as a 'third mode of production' based on the cooperation of autonomous agents.

  4. Médaille has more than thirty years’ experience in management at large corporations and as a small businessman, and he served five terms as a city councilman in his hometown of Irving, Texas. More Information. Internal Links. Toward a Truly Free Market book by John C. Médaille. Political Economy of Distributism book by John C. Médaille.

  5. His work garnered notable recognition and approval from many of his contemporaries, including some of the most acclaimed economists of the 20th century, including John Maynard Keynes and Irving Fisher. A circulation charge effectively goes to the root of

  6. 后者创立了独立于支付薪水的工作的收入,具有维持P2P创造的使用价值的未来发展的潜力。 通过P2P的“完全行为”的思潮(而不是完全雇用),可以对基本收入进行了新的强有力的论证:不仅是作为救济贫困和失业的灵丹妙药,也是为人类社会创造重要的新的 ...

  7. Groupthink is a term coined by psychologist Irving Janis in 1972 to describe one process by which a group can make bad or irrational decisions. In a groupthink situation, each member of the group attempts to conform his or her opinions to what they believe to be the consensus of the group.