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  1. 2010年12月3日 · Memefest reader with best written and visual works from eight festival years, edited by Nikola Janović and Oliver Vodeb, will be published by Faculty for Social sciences, University of Ljubljana in November. Memefest nodes in Brasil, Colombia and Balkan are also

  2. In contrast, if the brilliant creators of this system, men including Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, Nikola Tesla, and Charles Parsons (figure 1.4), could see the electric networks of the late 20th century, they would be very familiar with nearly all of their

  3. "The Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) is a crisp, clean, and modern device based on Nikola Tesla’s public domain design". In March 2014 the fabrication manual of the QEG was published as Open Source. The PESWiki (Pure Energy Systems) qualifies the project as one of the five of the best exotic technologies we've found so far, which are closest ...

  4. Water pouring from mountains was the main theme of classic Chinese art. The Chinese had a special term for the tension between yin and yang. They called it qi, a term variously translated as cosmic breath, spirit, and vital force. Joseph Needham, borrowing a concept of quantum physics, translated qi as “matter-energy.”

  5. Category:ECC2013 Participants - P2P Foundation. This is the comprehensive list of participants, in alphabetical order by last name, of the Economics Commons Conference 2013 . A as yet incomplete draft list of participants per country is available here. For a list of organizational affiliations, see here.