Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 到了 4 這間醫院通報了大量的感染案例。 In response , the Mayor of Taipei abruptly decided to seal the hospital off , preventing anyone from entering or leaving . 對此,台北市長突然決定封鎖醫院,並禁止任何人員進出。

  2. Using this method, a PCR test can tell you if you have COVID-19 right now, but not if you've had it in the past. 利用技術,PCR 檢測能測出您現在是否感染 COVID-19,但不會顯示過去是否曾感染。. Although this type of test usually delivers results in four to six hours, 儘管 PCR 檢測通常能在四到六小時內 ...

  3. 我們來看看政府官方今天公佈的最新數據,顯示最近24小時內有38,905個新感染病例,也就是說,過去一週平均每天的新感染病例是42,026個。 And as you can see on the chart there that 's been falling across the UK , an average of 39,000 and 68 people were in hospital with coronavirus over the seven days ...

  4. It means those who had the vaccine were 95% less likely to get Covid-19: 那就意味著那些接種了疫苗的人感染Covid-19的可能性降低了95%。. The vaccine had a 95% efficacy. 該疫苗的有效率為95%. Now, this doesn't mean that if 100 people are vaccinated, 5 of them will get sick. 這並不是指每100個人接種了疫苗 ...

  5. 醫學英語 - 醫院英語 - 免費英語課程 (Medical English - Hospital English - Free English Lesson) 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。.

  6. 大家對於旅遊的認知可能就是純粹去遊玩,體驗不同國家的文化。但是你知道有一種類型的觀光旅遊叫做「醫療觀光」嗎?現在,就讓我們一起來看看這個新興產業吧! 1fraction0:06 fraction 是名詞,有碎片、一小部分和分數的意思。但它所指的分數不是 score, 而是有分子、分母的分數!

  7. 健康是一種跨學科的觀點,它承認地球上所有生命系統的相互關聯性。. The footprint of all living things overlap like a Venn diagram. 所有生物的足跡就像維恩圖一樣重疊在一起。. The health of humans, animals and the environment are inextricably linked and stressing one life system impacts them all ...

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