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  1. 影片播放. A forensic lab may have cracked the mystery of the food poisoning case that's left two dead and dozens sick across Taiwan. 法醫實驗室可能已經解開了台灣食物中毒案的謎團,該案已導致台灣地區兩人死亡、數十人患病。 Samples taken from the Taipei restaurant where all the victims ate have tested positive for a fatal toxin called bongkrekic acid. 從所有受害者用餐的台北餐廳採集的樣本檢測出一種名為「米酵菌酸」的致命毒素呈陽性。

  2. According to a study in the year 2013, 72% of Americans believe in an afterlife. 根據 2013 年的研究,72% 的美國人相信死後世界。. And some people, like Professor Robert Lanza, have proposed a theory that death is just a figment of our imagination. 有些像 Robert Lanza 教授的人提出理論說死亡只是我們虛構的 ...

  3. 影片播放. It is not death most people are afraid of. 人們最害怕的其實不是死亡。. It is getting to the end of life only to realize that you never truly lived. 而是來到生命終點,卻發現自己從未認真活過。. There was a study done, a hospital study, on 100 elderly people facing death, 有一項醫學研究 ...

  4. 俄羅斯音樂廳恐怖攻擊造成的死亡人數已超過130人。 Officials fear the grim number of victims gunned down will almost certainly rise. 官員們擔心被槍殺的受害者人數幾乎肯定會增加。 First responders are still combing through the smoldering ruins of the hall that the attackers also set on fire. 急救人員仍在搜尋攻擊者放火焚燒的大廳廢墟。

  5. 恐龍最早大約出現在 2.45 億年前的三疊紀時期,當時地球上大部分陸地仍連接在一起,也就是超大陸「盤古大陸」。. Over millions of years, Pangaea split apart, causing the dinosaurs to become separated for the very first time. 數百萬年來,盤古大陸分裂,導致恐龍第一次分開。. This led ...

  6. Holdmenow, touchmenow. 牽著我的手,緊靠著我。. I don't wanttolivewithoutyou. 我不想過著沒有你的日子。. Nothing's gonnachangemyloveforyou. 沒有任何事能夠改變我對你的愛。. YououghttoknowbynowhowmuchI loveyou. 你應該知道我有多愛你。. Onethingyoucanbesureof: I'llneveraskformorethanyourlove.

  7. B1 中級 中文 TED-Ed 怯場 演說 下視丘 反應 不停 【TED-Ed】你在眾人前說話會緊張、流手汗嗎?克服舞台恐懼的秘訣 (The science of stage fright (and how to overcome it

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