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  1. 如今,台北一方面逐漸發展為未來理想城市,同時又保留了令人肅然起敬的傳統中華文化。. It's easy to fall in love with this friendly city. 真的很難不愛上台北這個友善的城市。. The aroma of Chinese street food fills the air. 街頭充斥著中式小吃的香氣。. Scooters and bicycles roll the ...

  2. 你一定要知道! 老外非來台灣不可的 5 個理由 (The 5 Reasons Why You Should Visit TAIWAN!!│A Laowai's View of Taiwan)

  3. 台北周圍也有許多天然的制高景點。. Just a 15-minute walk from Taipei 101 is Elephant Mountain, the most accessible of the cities peaks. 從台北 101 步行約 15 分鐘即可抵達台北四周最容易到達的山峰——象山。. There are no high-speed lifts here, but the 20 minute climb to the top is worth it, especially ...

  4. 房間有點小?. IKEA 教你這樣規劃超少坪數住處 (IKEA square metre challenge : Tiny bedroom for two) 小資族和租屋族對 Ikea 一定不陌生,他們的各種收納點子更是讓人驚艷!. 房間空間不大可以如何安排收納空間呢?. 讓這部影片告訴你!. 1multifunctional 0:19 第一個字 ...

  5. 同時,加入一些客製的金色元素,如沙發旁的 Tom Dixon 燈具。 A lot of people saying that in a small apartment, you shouldn't be using very dark colors.

  6. 影片單字. Going out tonight 為了今晚的派對 Changes into something red 她上一襲紅色洋裝 Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress 但她媽媽並不喜歡她穿得那樣顯眼 Everything she never had, she's showing...

  7. 方案價格 登入 字幕列表 影片播放 hello can you tell me where are we? 嗨你可以跟我說我們在哪嗎 ... 我們在台北101裡面囉 as you can see the view here is spectacular 在89樓 those buildings are actually like... 你可以看到景色非常壯觀 100m to 200m even just ...

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