Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 所以,你基本上要和我說英語。. We will have a dialogue where one line will be mine and the next one will be yours. 我們將進行對話,上一句是我的,下一句是你的。. I'm gonna say my line and then you will read your line from the screen out loud as if you were answering me and then vice versa. 我先說我的臺詞 ...

  2. 大家! So today I’m going to do a video. 今天,我們要來拍一部. that’s probably the most requested video that I get. 也許是目前為止最多人希望我拍的影片. and that is a video purely dedicated to accents. 而這部影片是在探討口音. Be for one, some of them probably aren’t perfect. 對有些人來說並不完美. but I have tried my best! 但我已經盡力去做到最好了! So, let’s carry on! 好的,我們繼續! This is what I normally sound like.

  3. 你每天遇到的銷售服務業店員,心裡都在OS些什麼呢?學這些英文用法:BuzzFeed,店員,假笑,劇場,刪掉,狗狗,配件,掩飾,裝作,死掉,收據,色情,偷走,上衣,庫存,一模一樣,假期,結論,不足,不行,尺寸,笑話,科技,態度,誠實,內心,螢幕,電腦,理由,特殊,專業,完整,影片,表現,看到 ...

  4. Step one: Ace your essay with the Black-Red-Green method. 祕訣一:用黑紅綠法則來解決你的作文題。 This exercise comes from the Royal Literary Fund, and it's a great trick to use when you're tackling a difficult essay question. 這個練習是來自於皇家文藝基金會,也是一個用來對付難纏作文題目的好方法。 First, make sure you've got three colored pens—you guessed it, one black, one red and one green.

  5. It's called Glossophobia, meaning literally, fear of the tongue. 這叫做「公開演說恐懼症」,從字面來理解,即是「舌頭的恐懼」。. A study by Texas Christian University tested 48 women and 48 men enrolled in a public speaking class and found that those who exhibited high-trait anxiety had the most physical symptoms of ...

  6. AI口說助教 是什麼?. VoiceTube Pro 輕量學習是你零碎時間學習的最佳選擇,無限次口說 AI 發音分析、無限次單字/單句複習、完整學習歷程追蹤,讓你成長看得見。.

  7. 如今,全球最大的「每週工作四天」實驗已經成功結束,公司的營運表現大多沒有受到損害,且員工感到更健康和更快樂。. 61 businesses across Britain took part in the study, Emma Simpson reports. 在這項研究中,英國共有 61 家企業參與,以下是 Emma Simpson 的跟進報導。. This is ...

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