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  1. 西語、德語和西班牙語是歐洲三大語言,不管是到歐洲自助旅行,或是出國遊學深造,想在家先修做功課怎麼做?在HiTutor,不限地點和時間,連上網路,就能線上一對一學外語。女生們!享受妳專屬的歐式日光旅行吧!

  2. flick, flip riffle, leaf, riff peruse. wave - a movement up and down or back and forth. curl, wave twist. bump - knock against with force or violence. hit, strike. cheek - either side of the face below the eyes. talk, speak. polite - showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior.

  3. › new_v2 › class_list課程總覽

    擁有近年來成為第三外語首選的實用日韓及檢定課程外,還有提供常到泰、越、菲、印出差旅遊的專業外語課程供選擇。 客製化課程 Customized Courses 針對擁有特殊課程需求的學員所設計, 24小時前,自行上傳授課教材,讓專業教師1對1為您進行教授解析。

  4. HiTutor線上外語,提供東南亞語言、包含泰、越南、印尼、菲律賓語,上課時間彈性,讓你自由管理時間,下班可輕鬆進修,當地用語+商務英語,專師團隊1對1情境教學,助你外派職涯口袋賺飽飽!

  5. HiTutor線上外語家教,提供16種外語,包含東南亞語言,讓你輕鬆在家學,泰、越南、印尼、菲律賓語,教材皆為量身訂作,1對1 情境教學,幫助想升遷外派出頭天的你,下班在家就能進修! 姓名 連絡電話 我同意隱私權政策 Email 試讀課程 ...

  6. 商用英文搶時妙招8. Set Your Alarm 20 Minutes Early 每天早起20分鐘. By getting up just a little earlier, you can make time for your goal before all the busyness of the day has begun. That might mean 20 minutes of exercising or writing, perhaps before the rest of your family is awake. 早點起床,這樣能給你在奔忙的一天 ...

  7. Idioms Own brand - When a company makes and sells its own products. For example : Marks and Spencers only sell own brand goods. To pay one's way - To contribute one's share of the expenses For example : He's a good friend, he always pays his way.

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