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  1. 影片播放. I am not gonna tell you today what I learned in life. 我今天是要來分享我從生活中學到的事。 Today, I am gonna try to tell you what I learned in death. 今天,我要試著和你們分享我從死亡學到的事。 One year and 13 days ago, I lost my husband, Dave. 一年又十三天前,我失去了我的丈夫,Dave。 His death was sudden and unexpected. 他的死亡突如其來、出乎意料。 Dave's death changed me in very profound ways. Dave 的死亡深刻地改變了我。

  2. 你我都會面對死亡,但是每個人都認真活過 (EVERYBODY DIES, BUT NOT EVERYBODY LIVES) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. It is not death most people are afraid of. 人們最害怕的其實是死亡。 It is getting to the end of life only to realize that you never truly lived. 而是來到生命終點,卻發現自己從未認真活過。 There was a study done, a hospital study, on 100 elderly people facing death, 有一項醫學研究,針對 100 位面臨死亡的老人。

  3. 今日挑戰句子. 聽聽句子怎麼說. It's hard not to be consumed by the endless cycle, but then, later in life, we're faced with not having spent enough quality time with friends and family. 很難被這種無止盡的循環消耗時間,但在餘生中,我們會面臨沒有花足夠時間與自己家人與朋友相處的遺憾 ...

  4. 2019年1月12日 · 聽聽句子怎麼說. There are the moments that you truly cherish at the end of your life. These are End goals and these are what you should be chasing. Once you ask yourself what experiences, do I want to have in my life, you will identify what your End goals are. 有些時光是到生命盡頭時也會真正珍惜的時光。 這些是最終目標,最終目標才是你該追求的。 當你問自己:「我一生中想要怎樣的體驗? 」你就會知道自己的最終目標是什麼。

  5. 好,很多人都知道該如何開啟一段對話,但要如何禮貌地結束對話真的容易。 So I'm going to show you a three-step technique that you can use anytime you need to leave or end a conversation with someone. 因此我要告訴大家一個三步驟的方法,任何時間你要 ...

  6. 2019年10月30日 · 聽聽句子怎麼說. We shouldn't believe everything we think, but take responsibility for ourselves, and actively deal with our problems. 我們應該相信我們所構想的每件事物,而是要為自身負起責任,並且積極地處理問題。. 句子選自此影片: 最近的生活一團糟嗎?. 教你如何靜 ...

  7. 超過 500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!十萬部 YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,是華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的最佳學習方法和工具!多種主題任你選,依照自己的興趣與需求,打造專屬於自己的英語線上 ...

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