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  1. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。

  2. n. 一堆;一疊;煙囪;排氣管. v. 對...作弊;堆積:堆疊. B1 中級 多益 英檢高級. 更多. constantly. US /ˈkɑnstəntlɪ/ ・ UK /ˈkɒnstəntli/ adv. 不斷地. B1 中級.

  3. To find out, here are eight things you should look out for. 想要找到的話,可以注意下列八件事。 Number one, you feel a near-instant feeling of familiarity with them. 第一,你會對他們產生近乎立即的熟悉感。 Do you feel drawn to them for some reason? 你是否因某種原因覺得被對方吸引?

  4. 影片播放. We've all been there. 我們都經歷過。 You have an amazing friend and they have a partner who you do not really like. 你有一個很棒的朋友,但他們有一個你並不喜歡的另一半。 Do you just be nice about your tongue? 你會管住自己的嘴巴嗎? Do you vocalize your opinion? 還是會發表自己的意見呢? Well, the first thing is to figure out why you do not like them. 首先要弄清楚自己為什麼不喜歡他們。

  5. [Diagnosed at age 11.] 在我孩童時期,我的行為很不端,但我不是故意的。 [十一歲時被診斷出症狀] The natural environment of a classroom is very nonconducive to somebody with ADHD. - [Diagnosed at age six.] 一般的教室學習環境對於 ADHD 的人來說很不友善。 [六歲時被診斷出症狀] You know, just like this quiet room, you're sitting at this table, a bunch of other kids are all doing their work.

  6. 第一,為你應徵的職缺制定工作目標。 如何制定工作目標呢? 當你在研究徵才企業和職缺相關資訊的時候,你大致會有概念說這個職缺需要解決什麼問題,而你的工作目標就會從這裡誕生。 If possible, talk to others who work for the company, If you're unclear on this point, include it in the questions you ask the interviewer and be prepared to incorporate it into your answer. 如果想要更清楚地制定工作目標,建議找機會跟你的未來同事聊聊,以獲取更多資訊。

  7. 他是全美國最超群的演講者之一. While most presenters simply convey information, Jobs inspires. 大部分的演講者都僅止於提供資訊,賈伯斯卻能啟發聽眾. I'm Carmine Gallo and today I will walk you through several key techniques that. 我是Carmine Gallo,今天我將跟您介紹幾個賈伯斯. Steve Jobs uses to electrify his audience. 用來震撼聽眾的主要技巧. The elements you can adopt to your very next presentation.

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