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  1. 今天上午日本中部發生了強烈地震引發了大海嘯警報。 The 7.6 magnitude quake hit the Noto Peninsula , close to the town of Anamizu . 7.6級地震襲擊了穴水町附近的能登半島。

  2. 耐震的建築物大多是為了抵禦日本每天都會發生的四到五級地震而建造的並避免在發生更大的地震時完全倒塌。 But for buildings taller than a simple detached house or small business , this might not cut it which is what the next tier of earthquake - proofing is for .

  3. 史上最大規模的9級地震引發了毀滅性的海嘯,捲走了整個小鎮。 tsunami which swept through the bay and washed away the entire town. In the space. 高達15公尺的海嘯在短短數小時以內摧毀了. of a few hours the tsunami with waves of up to 15 metres high destroyed 70% 女川町約70%的建築物. of Onagawa's buildings and claimed the lives of 827 people, almost 10% of the. 奪走了827人的生命,相當於該鎮近10%的人口。 town's population.

  4. A magnitude 9 earthquake already measurably alters the rotation of the Earth; the two magnitude 9-plus earthquakes this century both altered the length of the day by a tiny but measurable fraction of a second. 一場 9 級地震已經顯著改變了地球的自轉; 本世紀的兩次 9 級以上地震都將一天的長度改變了微小但可測量的幾分之一秒。

  5. Watch on. 影片播放. Emergency workers in Taiwan are looking for dozens of people who are still missing after the island was hit by its strongest earthquake of this century. 臺灣發生本世紀最強烈地震後,緊急救援人員正在尋找數十名失蹤人員。. At least 10 people were killed and serious damage is reported all ...

  6. 影片播放. from above the planet appears eerily still, But every mountain range and every chasm on its face is a scar, with many telling a story of when the earth rumbled to life earthquakes occur around the world. 從上面看,這個星球顯得異常寂靜,但它臉上的每條山脈和每道鴻溝都是一道疤痕,許多人都在講述地球何時隆起的故事,世界各地都發生了地震。 They've been recorded on all seven continents. 他們在七大洲都有過記錄。

  7. B1 中級 花は咲く(花が咲く)日本東北大地震の歌です。 (花は咲く(Flowers Will Bloom) Japanese Tōhoku Earthquake Song)

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