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  1. 繁體中文日本語English. @2024 VoiceTube Corporation. All rights reserved. 心情低落的時候聽Coldplay的這首Fix You會有一種受到撫慰被療癒的感覺真的很神奇心情不好時悲傷的歌反而比聽歡樂的歌更能平靜下來這首歌一開始是Coldplay的主唱Chris Martin在他岳父去世時寫 ...

  2. 永難學會起舞. It's the dream afraid of waking. 夢若擔心清醒. That never takes the chance. 一再錯過良機. It's the one who won't be taken Who can not seem to give. 不願吃虧的人 無法付出心意. And the soul afraid of dying. 而一味憂心死亡的靈魂. That never learns to live. 不曾活過. When the night has been too lonely. 當夜晚一如往常,寂寞不堪. And the road has been too long. 而前路依然無盡漫長.

  3. 影片播放. To survive in this high-pressured, crazy world, most of us have to become highly adept at self-criticism. 為了在這個極度高壓、瘋狂的世界裡生存,我們大多習慣了自我苛責。 We learn how to tell ourselves off for our failures, and for not working hard or smart enough. 我們經常因為失敗,或是不夠努力、不夠聰明而苛責自己。

  4. 要如何在痛苦中調適,讓自己傷呢? Today Wellcasters we ’ re gonna give you some tips on capturing that all elusive Golden Snitch – closure . 卡司們,今天要告訴你們一些訣竅,讓你們奪下難以捉摸的金探子–結尾。

  5. 勵志影片:永不放棄的英雄! (HERO - Motivational Video) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. HERO - Motivational Video. Watch on. 影片播放. When you have a dream. 當你有夢想時. It doesn't often come at you screaming in your face... 並不是當你在尖叫發狂時,夢想就出現了. dreams always come from behind you, not right between your eyes. 夢想總是自你身後湧現,而不是在你眼前. Sometimes a dream almost whispers.. 有時候夢想是以細小的聲音呼喊著.

  6. Hey, you, wake up! 嘿,就是你,醒醒吧! Why do you exist? 你為什麼存在? Life is not meant to simply work, wait for the weekend and pay rent. 生命不只是工作、等待週末和繳房租。 No, no, I don't know much, but I know this. 不是,我了解的並不多,但我知道這件事。 Every person on this Earth has a gift. 每個活在這世界上的人都有一項天賦。 And I apologize to the Black community, 我必須要跟非裔族群道歉, but I can no longer pretend,

  7. 你可能需要這個終極紓壓的暴怒房 (Ultimate Stress Relief In The Rage Room | Thrive) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. We all get to the point after a particularly stressful long day at work where you just feel the urge to break some stuff. 我們都曾有工作緊繃一整天後迫切想要砸東西發洩的時候。