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  1. 影片播放. Five ways to make friends with your cat. 5 種跟貓咪交朋友的秘訣. Everyone knows that cats are the most illogical and unpredictable pets. 大家都知道貓是最無邏輯又難以預測的寵物。 Can you work out what's going through that furry little head? 你能了解那顆毛茸茸的小腦袋在想什麼嗎? However, cats have their language. 然而,貓有自己的語言。

  2. 身為你,絕對受不了那肥嘟嘟雙頰、像嬰兒般大眼睛小鼻子可愛模樣。但,你真了解貓咪嗎?「貓咪喜歡喝牛奶、總是獨自行動、有點冷漠」是不是你對貓咪印象?現在就來一窺大眾對貓咪誤解! 1overwhelming0:03 overwhelm 這個字作為及物動詞,意思是「戰勝、壓倒、淹沒」。

  3. 所有的貓,從最大獅子到最小的家,都是從幾百萬年前一種叫做原小熊貓的貓型生物演化而來,又稱始。 Then, after a long time, there came to be two major types of cats. 然後經過一段很長時間之後,演化成了兩大種類。 One kind became the bigger cats, like the lion and the tiger. 有一種變成了較大型的貓,例如獅子和老虎。 And the other kind became the smaller cats, which includes the ones we keep as pets today. 而另一種則變成了較小型的貓,例如我們今天養寵物

  4. 牠們發出呼嚕聲或是毛髮站立方式、牠們發出嘶嘶聲或伸展或猛撲方式。 We all know how a cat moves. 我們都知道一隻貓咪如何移動。 This, I believe, plays a big role in their repeated inclusion in Ghibli work. 我相信這對於牠們重複被涵蓋在吉卜力作品中,有舉足輕重角色。 Their familiarity ground the films and place other aspects of the animation in the same potential reality. 牠們熟悉感為電影下基礎,並將動畫其它面向放置在相同可能現實。

  5. 大家有沒有想過貓咪平常都在想一些什麼呢?跟著小編透過這部可愛影片,來看看你家的貓咪到底想對你表達什麼吧! 1judge0:06 judge 在這邊當作動詞,是「評判、斷定」意思,而當名詞時是「法官、審判員」意思。英文中有個很常見俚語: You can't judge a book by its cover. 你不可以以貌取人 ...

  6. 雅各布對這些科動物有關內容數量感到驚訝。 He even read that cat videos have more views per video than any other category of YouTube content . 他甚至讀到,貓咪影片平均瀏覽量比YouTube其他類別內容都要多。

  7. 給小貓的一堂課 (Dear Kitten) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. it is now my duty as the head of the household to, begrudgingly, welcome you. 現在身為一家之主我有責任,百般不願地,歡迎你。. but I must do my duty in educating you on your new surroundings as Maximilian once did for me. 但我還是得履行我 ...

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