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  1. 程度測試預約專線 服務時間:週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00 週六至日 AM 9:00~PM 21:00

  2. Part A: Do you know what to do? Brainstorming Questions To Start With Have you experienced a national disaster like earthquake? "National disaster is nature's way of balancing the earth." Do you believe on this? Do you think it's possible to prepare for

  3. Vocabulary Ache – pain, to suffer or feel pain. Ex. Head-ache, stomach-ache, tooth-ache, backache, nose-bleed. Infection – the act of infecting means the virus has been multiplying or wide-spreading. Ex. Ear infection, eye infection. Dizzy - Having a whirling feeling and a tendency to fall. ...

  4. Unit 12 Job Interview Dialogue Sample of Behavioral Traits Questions Vocabulary / Idioms Reading Dialogue Job Interview Interviewer : Good afternoon, please have a seat. Interviewee : Thank you. Interviewer : How are you doing today? Did you have any trouble ...

  5. Affected Organ SYMPTOMS Nose Swelling of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis) Sinuses Allergic (sinusitis) Eyes Redness and itching of the conjunctiva (allergic conjunctivitis) Air ways Sneezing, coughing, bronchoconstriction, wheezing, and dyspnea, sometimes ...

  6. Unit 12 Our Changing World EXPRESS YOURSELF Conversation VOCABULARIES/IDIOMS Reading English Expression/Proverb to Ponder for Today EXPRESS YOURSELF How do you see yourself, your country, the world 50n years from now? What was the ...

  7. 日語的程度 零基礎。 能聽懂平日情境中,較為 慢速的簡短對話。 能聽懂普通語彙及漢字所描述的 基本相關話題。 能聽懂 正常速度和連貫的對話,並掌握 報紙大意。 能閱讀與理解一般的文章。可聽懂 大部分的對話與新聞報導。 能閱讀、了解 深度讀物,可聽懂並確實理解 廣泛的日語對話 ...

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