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  1. 去日本如何玩更Hi?快沿著新幹線來趟文化與城市風情之旅!HiTutor線上日文課程,採一對一教學,學習效果快又好;想學50音與日文會話?找HiTutor就對了!

  2. 精彩大學生活,如何築夢不留白?練好英文讓未來路更廣!HiTutor一對一線上家教,提升你 英文競爭力,讓你夢想不設限! 姓名 連絡電話 我同意隱私權政策 Email 試讀課程 ...

  3. Hi家教 線上英文、日韓德法西義越泰文免付費電話:0809-090566 手機請撥:04-37042882 海外學生請撥:886-4-37042882(台灣時間,週一 至週五 09:00-23:00,週六至週日 09:00-21:00) 線上英文課程 商英課程 菲律賓遊學 全球海外遊學 打工渡假攻略 杜威美加留學 成為老師Teachers wanted

  4. Past tense verbs Past tense verbs - verbs that tell about an action that happened in the past

  5. Long Trips, Vacations Have a good trip. Enjoy your vacation. Have a good time in _____ (destination, ex: Have a good time in Greece.) When your friends or family return home How was your vacation? Did you enjoy your time in (destination) How was your

  6. Good and Bad Experiences Express yourself Remembering about your FIRST memories experience on your Childhood Days What was your first pet? Who was your first best friend? What was your first school? What was the first country you have visited? Or, where

  7. Dialogue 1 Interview with a Famous Actor Interviewer : Thank you for taking some time off from your busy schedule to answer a few questions about your life! Brad : It's my pleasure. Interviewer : Could you tell us about an average day in your life? Brad : Sure, I get up early - at 7 in the morning. ...