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  1. You would say this phone number: one-eight-eight-eight-three hundred-twenty-o-one. 你會說這個電話號碼:一八八八三一百二十八一。. Combining these numbers to create the least amount of syllables possible when communicating phone numbers. 在交流電話號碼時,將這些數字組合起來,創造出儘可能少的音節。.

  2. 2024年4月26日 · 聽聽句子怎麼說. Millions of dollars might sound like a lot of money but there isn't an infinite supply and it won't last forever if you don't have a plan. 好幾百萬聽起來很多,但畢竟不是無限,若沒有好好規劃始終會花完。 句子選自此影片: 想中樂透嗎? 中了小心又破產! (What If You Won The Lottery?) 學習重點. 1. infinite 無限的,無邊的;極大的. infinite. [ˋɪnfənɪt] (adj.) 無限的,無邊的;極大的. 今日已有 739 人參加每日口說挑戰. ShakesBeer 1 個月前.

  3. There's really no easy answer to how TikTok can balance free speech with Chinese censorship. 抖音該如何在言論自由與中國審查機制中取得平衡,並沒有輕鬆容易的解決方法。. It's gonna have to make calls on a case-by-case basis; it's probably gonna have to be really transparent about how and why it makes decisions ...

  4. 有很大一部分的人都把美國中西部的腔調選為聽起來最舒服的口音 I don 't wanna toot my own horn here , but I agree . 我不想在這邊吹牛,但我同意

  5. 即便我們無法現在就退休,還是有一些人成功提早退休,不需要中樂透或是抓緊時機投資加密貨幣。

  6. 影片單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:資產,有錢人,負債,工作,變成,窮人,努力,貧窮,進到,賺到,指數,口袋,金融,差不多,明星,成為,富有,企業,保證 ...

  7. The Art Deco designed Empire State Building is one of the most impressive and endearing skyscrapers ever created. 紐約不僅以令人目眩神迷的天際線象徵其縱天之志, The skyline may have grown up around it, but the view from the 102nd floor is as breathtaking today as it was when it first opened in 1931. 其影響力更是遍及全球每一個角落。