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  1. 輕鬆學習步驟. 標記字庫、跟讀、調整字體及列印. 左上方可選擇多益、英檢、Globish字庫,右上方則可開關全文跟讀,可清楚看到前後句及全文,也可以調整文章字體大小及列印. 全文區塊. 點選每一句開頭的播放紐,影片就會直接跳到該句播放。 在全文區塊裡也可直接點選單字查詢解釋,選取一整句可以標示收藏佳句。 查詢過的單字&佳句、字典功能. 網頁右下方會列出查詢過的單字及佳句,單字部分點選小播放鈕會有真人發音,也可以利用字典查詢其他相關單字。 學習進度追蹤. 個人學習簿的影片資訊. 發表的影片、收藏的影片、看過的影片,每一部都有觀看進度,讓你清楚知道已經學習過哪些影片。 個人學習簿的單字、佳句資訊. 只要查詢過的單字、收藏的單字及標示的佳句,都會完整呈現在你的學習簿中。

  2. Watch on YouTube. 影片播放. - Oh, hi! - Hello! We were just about to sing a song! - Ready, Blue? - I'm ready! [music playing] Will you sing with us? - You will? Great! - Hooray! [cheering] ♪ Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O ♪. ♪ And on the farm she had a cow ♪. ♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪. ♪ With a moo-moo here And a moo-moo there ♪.

  3. The ability to CHANGE colors. 難以從周圍環境中辨別出來;將其隱藏起來。. 改變顏色的能力. isn't unique to chameleons -- some fish, frogs, insects, crustaceans, cephalopods, and other. 這並非變色龍所獨有--一些魚類、青蛙、昆蟲、甲殼類動物、頭足類動物和其他. lizards can do it too, but they ...

  4. 你可以攀上雲霧繚繞的高山,攀上高聳的高山,. yetalsotaketheopportunitytorelaxintheblueocean, onTaiwan's endlessstretchesofcoastline. 也可以跳進在台灣綿延無盡海岸線旁沁無邊的大海。. YoucanexperiencesuperiorserviceinTaiwan's vibrantcitiesorsampletheslowerrhythmsoflifeinTaiwan's rusticvillages. 你 ...

  5. 創新的鏡子場景可以追溯到電影的初期,就像奧森·威爾斯在 1947 年的《上海小姐》中捕捉在現在看來具有標誌性的遊樂園鏡子場景。 Of the 80 mirrors in the sequence, some were actually two-way mirrors. 在這組鏡頭中的 80 面鏡子中,有些其實是雙面鏡。 While Welles and Rita Hayworth acted on the reflective side of the glass, the camera could shoot everything from the non- reflective side without being detected.

  6. Starry starry night. 星光燦爛的夜晚. Paint your palette Blue and grey. 畫你的調色板 藍色和灰色. Look out on a Summers day. 在夏日的日子裡看出去. With eyes that know The darkness in my soul. 用眼睛瞭解我靈魂中的黑暗. Shadows on the hills. 山上的影子. Sketch the trees and the daffodils. 畫樹和水仙花的草圖. Catch the breeze and the winter chills. 迎著微風,迎著冬日的寒意。 In colours on the snowy linen land.

  7. 卡爾薩根的著名電影《蒼白的藍點》反映了同樣的觀點。 From the vantage point of space there are no lines dividing nations , no geographical subdivisions , no flags , or racial divides , or disputed territory .

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