Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 是的. Boom. 轟。 Now I'm a flying talking donkey. 現在我是一頭會說話的驢。 You might have seen a house fly, maybe even a Superfly, but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey flying. 你可能見過房子,甚至是超級蝴蝶,但我敢打賭,你從未見過驢子。 Uh huh. 嗯哼。 For this list, we're looking at this comedy. 這個榜單,我們看的是這部喜劇。 Legends. 傳說。 Funniest moments from film and television. 影視中最有趣的時刻。

  2. This is called pollination. 這就是所謂的授粉。. We need butterflies to pollinate plants and flowers, so that new plants and flowers are able to grow as they are food for people as well as other insects and animals. 我們需要蝴蝶為花草授粉,這樣新的花草才能生長,因為它們是人類以及其他昆蟲和動物的 ...

  3. 我們去尋找蝴蝶. On a rainy day I'm happy. 在一個下雨天裡 我很高興. On a rainy day I smile. 在一個下雨天 我微笑. Hills and trees. 小山和樹木. Look fresh and green. 看起來新鮮和綠色. And I see. 我明白了. Rainbow coloured umbrellas in the streets. 彩虹在街道上彩色的遮陽傘. On a windy day I'm happy. 在刮風的日子裡 我很開心. On a windy day I smile. 在刮風的日子 我微笑. All the leaves. 所有的葉子. Shake and fly. 搖動和飛行. And my kite.

  4. 貝比.魯斯 美國職棒的傳奇人物. He led the league in home runs during a season 12 times. 曾經奪得12次全壘打王的頭銜. and made a record of 60 home runs in 1927 season. 並且在1927年創下單季60支全壘打的紀錄. as well as 714 home runs of his life time record. 在其職業生涯總共累積了714支全壘打. In the dead-ball era. 在那個被稱為「死球時代」的時期. Ruth's home run and slugging percentage dominated the league.

  5. 繁體中文日本語English. @2024 VoiceTube Corporation. All rights reserved. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學這些英文用法:天堂,樂園,閉上,夢想,遙不可及,女孩,無憂無慮,雙眼,暴風雨 ...

  6. 需要時您可以這樣解開。 It is illegal to smoke on this flight, including electronic cigarettes. 在本航班吸煙是違法的,也禁止吸電子菸。 It is also strictly prohibited to smoke in the toilets, which are equipped with smoke detectors. 廁所內也嚴禁吸菸,廁所均配有煙霧偵測器。 Set your mobile phones and all electronic devices to flight mode. 請將手機與其他電子產品調至航模式。

  7. See me fly, I'm proud to fly up high, show you the best of mine, till the end of the time. 看我飛翔,我'自豪地上高空,讓你看看我最好的,直到時間的盡頭。. Belive me I can fly~I'm singing in the sky, show you the best of mine, the heaven in the sky. 相信我,我會~我'在天空中歌唱,讓你看看我 ...

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