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  1. No, I just want to get married because I want the party. 我想結婚是因為我想辦一場派對。 I want a giant cake and an expensive dress and a whole day where it's all about me. 我想要一個巨大的蛋糕、昂貴的裙子,還有一整天都是「以我為中心」的日子。 It's like your birthday but bigger. 就像是生日一樣,不過排場更大。

  2. B1 中級 中文 安排 內容 工作室 創作 視頻 生活 【Anna Akana】我們 Z 世代才不慣著你們這些慣老闆呢! (We're living in corporate dystopia and Gen Z is reacting accordingly)

  3. I'm going to murder you and when the pizza guy gets here, he's going to help me bury your body and then we're going to get married. 我要殺了你,等披薩小弟到了之後,他會幫我把你埋了,然後我就跟他結婚。. No, he won't, 'cause he'll probably be like, "Yeah, I feel you, bro." 不,他不會的,因為他大概 ...

  4. 所以在這部影片中,我們要介紹毀了你魅力的九個常見錯誤以及一些補救方法。 Here we go. 開始吧。 First — not proactively introducing yourself. 第一:不主動介紹自己。 Many people feel uncomfortable when they enter into a new group. 很多人在進入新的團體時會感到不自在。 So in order to keep a low profile, they often offer a small hand wave or just stand there quietly — this is uncomfortable for everyone involved.

  5. 2016年6月22日 · 聽聽句子怎麼說. 開始錄音. 錄音限制為 6 分鐘. I broke up with my high school girlfriend using an Excel chart to illustrate the downward trend of our relationship. You’ll notice here, there's a sharp decline in snuggles. In the month of June, we didn't snuggle at all. 我跟我的高中女友分手用一張Excel圖表描繪我們向下墜落的情感」你可以看到 在這裡我們依偎的次數有明顯的遞減在六月 我們完全沒有依偎.

  6. 我的媽呀! 你們現在看起來真的很亞洲人。 I'm gonna be Asian too. 那我也不要輸給你們。 So where are you from? 那你是哪裡人? I'm from Texas. 我家在德克薩斯州。 No, I mean like where are your parents from? 喔,我的意思是說父母從哪裡來 ? You know, you're pretty tall for an Asian. 你知道嗎,在亞洲人裡面你算高的了. Oh, they're from Korea. 他們是韓國來的。 Where are your parents from? 那你呢? Michigan. 密西根。

  7. 學習進度追蹤 個人學習簿的影片資訊 發表的影片、收藏的影片、看過的影片,每一部都有觀看進度,讓你清楚知道已經學習過哪些影片。 個人學習簿的單字、佳句資訊 只要查詢過的單字、收藏的單字及標示的佳句,都會完整呈現在你的學習簿中。

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