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  1. 例如防水靴子或是防水衣服。 So , to protect you from the rain or from water in other situations . 可以預防你們被雨淋濕、或是在其他情況下被水淋濕。

  2. 旅遊實用篇學這些英文用法:阿滴英文,手套,粉色,商品,購物,阿滴,請問,店員,美麗,尺寸,買到,中文,影片,想要,看到,沒關係,衣服 ...

  3. To see your breath means that you can literally see the air when you breathe on it. 看清自己的呼吸,是指當你呼吸到空氣時,你可以從字面上看到空氣。. Usually, if you can see your breath, it is freezing. 通常,如果你能看到你的呼吸,它是凍結。. If the weather is so freezing that you can see your ...

  4. it shows you belong to a particular group or. 它表明你屬於一個特定的群體或. organization – and people often enjoy that. 組織--人們往往喜歡這樣. sense of community at work. 工作中的社區感。. Do you think we should get some 6 Minute English. 你認為我們應該得到一些6分鐘的英語。.

  5. 長途飛行聽起來雖然是個有趣的體驗,但有時候把自己塞在小小的座位上長達十幾個小時真的是很痛苦!在沒錢坐商務艙、頭等艙的情況下,有沒有什麼辦法可以讓自己舒服一點呢?這支影片裡分享了一些讓你可以舒適度過長途旅行的小撇步,快點來筆記一下吧。 1take off0:31 飛機的「起飛」與「降落 ...

  6. A2 初級 中文 美國腔 後門 加拿大人 英語 地下室 房間 房子 跟著加拿大人 Bob 學英文系列:在「家裡」學英文吧!(Let's Learn English Around the House and Home | English Video

  7. Or that you can do with a little more subtlety, which is what I typically prefer. 也可以搭得低調一點,我個人通常偏好這樣搭。. Third rule is to make sure that you have one pattern that is bolder and one pattern that is more subtle. 第三個原則是,圖案一強一弱作調配。. If you had two bold patterns, for example ...

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