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  1. It means those who had the vaccine were 95% less likely to get Covid-19: 那就意味著那些接種了疫苗的人感染Covid-19的可能性降低了95%。. The vaccine had a 95% efficacy. 該疫苗的有效率為95%. Now, this doesn't mean that if 100 people are vaccinated, 5 of them will get sick. 這並不是指每100個人接種了疫苗 ...

  2. Anxiety is a response to stress and it can cause a variety of psychological and physical symptoms. 焦慮是對壓力的反應,它會導致各種心理和身體症狀。. When you feel overly anxious, you might notice that your heart rate speeds up and your breathing rate increases, and you might experience a bout of nausea. 當你感到 ...

  3. 有 10% 的人曾體驗過對針頭最嚴重程度的恐懼其中症狀包括暈倒

  4. 有時候,像是吃些東西或是找朋友喝杯咖啡,這種簡單的事也能夠讓你紓緩些。. Three: Try 4-7-8 breathing. 小撇步三:試著做 4-7-8 呼吸法. This is a great exercise for people with panic or for insomnia and it's really simple. 這對常感到恐慌或是有失眠症狀的人,是一個很棒的練習 ...

  5. 反安慰劑效應. A nocebo is a harmless thing -- like a video with nonexistent hypersounds -- that causes. 反安慰劑效應並無害 -- 就像 這個沒有超級聲音的短片 -- 會導致. harm -- like a headache -- because you *believe* it's harmful. That sounds like Voodoo, but. 傷害 -- 譬如頭痛 -- 只因為你 *相信* 它是 ...

  6. 安慰劑效應(英語:placebo effect,來自拉丁文「placebo」我將安慰」),又名偽藥效應假藥效應代設劑效應指病人雖然獲得無效的治療但卻預料相信治療有效而讓病患症狀得到舒緩的現象

  7. 所有這些症狀,都會進一步更複雜化,因喉部健康的神經末梢減少, which reduces precise muscle control and causes breathy or rough voices. 這減弱了肌肉的控制能力,並導致氣喘似的,或粗啞的聲音。 Ultimately, these anatomical changes are just a few of ...

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