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  1. › zh-tw › home力積電 | PSMC

    關於力積電. 力積電以專業晶圓代工定位,在全球半導體產業版圖中大步挺進,秉持著誠信、服務、品質、創新的企業文化應對未來的挑戰。. Who We are.

  2. 經營理念. 對外往來,秉持專業,信守約定,互惠雙贏。. 對內坦誠溝通,實事求是,勇於挑戰。. 洞悉市場變化,傾聽客戶需求,為客戶創造價值。. 秉持科學理性原則,持續改善生產,增進企業效能。. 積極探索新科技,新應用,開創新的市場。. 致力節能減碳 ...

  3. › en-global › homeHome | PSMC - Powerchip

    Spotlight on Sustainability. PSMC is committed to environmentally friendly measures and fulfilling corporate citizen responsibility. We will establish and maintain a model of sustainable development and this model will be integrated into the society to create a virtuous circle of sharing and common prosperity. Our Values.

  4. PSMC provides foundry services in advanced memories, customized logic integrated circuits and discrete components with the Open Foundry operation model. From chip design and manufacturing service to equipment and production capacity sharing, PSMC establishes a close and flexible cooperation with customers according to their attributes and demands.

  5. 鉅晶電子更名為力晶積成電子製造股份有限公司 (簡稱力積電) 2016. 購入竹南科學園區聯合再生能源廠房,裝置八吋晶圓功率元件產線,名為 8B 廠. 2015. 8AD 篤行廠區量產. 2012. 0.18 微米 Power MOSFET 量產. 2011. 0.18 微米 電源管理晶片量產.

  6. › zh-tw › insights新聞集錦 | PSMC

    力積電 獲頒1111人力銀行2023幸福企業金獎

  7. 月份 月營收 年增長率 年度累計 一月 3,932,436 -42.88%