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  1. Bio Alex Pazaitis is researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology and core member of P2P Lab. He holds a PhD in Technology Governance and is leading parts of the COSMOLOCALISM and CENTRINNO projects Alex has extensive experience from research and innovation projects and project management, and has worked as a consultant for private ...

  2. By Annapaola Vacanti, Massimo Menichinelli et al. Conference: Disrupting Geographies in the Design World. 8th International Forum of Design as a Process (At: Bologna), November 2023. DOI: 10.30682/diiddsi23t1s;

  3. Description "The Optimism Collective is a band of companies, communities, and citizens working together to reward public goods and build a sustainable future for Ethereum. Together we will dispel the myth that public goods cannot be profitable. Public goods ...

  4. 1. Bob Haugen: "NRP means Network Resource Planning. Its purpose is to coordinate economic networks. A Supply Chain is an Economic Network, with a head, which is the agent producing end products for consumers, and a tail, which is a tree of agents that supply them with components. A value system also includes the demand chain, which includes ...

  5. "Zuzalu convened a group in-person for the first time in Montenegro from March 25th to May 25th, 2023. It was comprised of 200 core residents and a rotation of weekly visitors who came together with a shared desire to learn, create, live longer and healthier lives, and build self-sustaining communities.

  6. Natalie has also taught courses in social informatics and computing, information management, information organization, and information sources and searching. Prior to joining Nanyang Technological University she has also worked in The Gallup Organisation, where she was involved with Gallup’s research in behavioural economics and The Gallup ...

  7. 1 Description. 2 Principles. 2.1 #1 Principle: Human Effort is not Fungible. 2.2 #2 Principle: Split Economic and Governance Power. 2.3 #3 Principle: Isonomy > Equality — “Don’t Fight Pareto”. 2.4 #4 Principle: Farewell “Shareholder”… long live “Valueholder”. 2.5 #5 Principle: Incentivize Efficiency. 2.6 #6 Principle: Time in ...