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    • Overview
    • Anemia
    • Heme & Nonheme
    • Good Sources for Heme
    • Good Sources for Nonheme
    • Absorbing Irons

    This article is about iron-deficiency anemia and how to fight it by consuming more foods high in iron, including heme and nonheme sources such as red meats, fish, poultry, lentils, beans and spinach. It also provides information on the factors that can affect the absorption of iron from food sources and suggests ways to improve it.

    Iron-deficiency anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells caused by too little iron, leading to weak, tired and irritable feelings. 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women and 3% of men do not have enough iron in their body. The solution is to consume more foods high in iron.

    There are two forms of dietary iron - heme and nonheme. Heme iron is found in animal foods that originally contained hemoglobin such as red meats, fish and poultry while most nonheme iron comes from plant sources like lentils or spinach. Our bodies absorb the most iron from heme sources but most dietary irons are nonheme irons which our bodies are ...

    Very good sources include beef liver (3 ounces), mussels (3 ounces) or oysters (3 ounces). Other good sources include cooked beef (3 ounces), canned sardines(in oil)(3 ounces).

    Very good sources include breakfast cereals enriched with iron, one cup cooked beans or half cup tofu . Other good sources include one-half cup canned lima beans/red kidney beans/chickpeas ,one cup dried apricots etc .

    To absorb the most irons from food you eat avoid drinking coffee/tea or consuming calcium rich foods with meals containing irons rich food; improve your absorption by eating it along with vitamin C source or eat nonhemes with meat group food .

  1. Overview. Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It's found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, and berries. Quercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory...

  2. Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a chemical that is made by the body. It provides energy when not enough carbohydrates or sugars have been eaten. BHB can also be made in the lab and taken as a...

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