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  1. 國營事業招考 相關

  2. 現在下單即享『優惠扣』各類高普考用書,內容齊全豐富,在家輕鬆學習,開創公職新人生! 鼎文網路書店超值優惠!各類高普考用書應有盡有,從基礎入門到進階衝刺,一次備齊#速下訂

  3. 退休潮湧現國營事業招考徵才一波波,工作機會多更多,考試科目少且多為選擇題,就近分發離家近。 輕鬆準備4科,年終30萬不是夢,國營鐵飯碗,好工作不間斷。


  1. 2010年5月2日 · Definition. "People’s organizations (POs), unlike NGOs, are established by and represent sectors of the population like small farmers, artisanal fisherfolk, slum dwellers and others. POs take a wide variety of forms and exist at various levels. - Community-based organizations (CBOs) mobilize and represent local populations and directly ...

  2. ATU develops 130 gongbans annually in areas ranging from smart phones, tablets, smart watches, smart homes, and industrial controls—and distributes the designs for free. WPI then makes money by trading in the boards’ components. "We call this shanzhai in Shenzhen. It’s a mass production artwork,” explains Lawrence Lin head of the ...

  3. Geeks Without Bounds (GWOB) supports humanitarian open source projects through a combination of hackathons and an accelerator program which takes promising projects through six months of mentorship towards sustainability. GWOB also engages in a range of educational programs aimed at increasing diversity in the technology workforce, helping ...

  4. wiki.p2pfoundation.netP2P Foundation

    • Special Projects
    • Civilizational Analysis and The Pulsation of The Commons
    • Theory Projects
    • Our Ebooks
    • Our Printed Books
    • Overview of P2P Transition Proposals

    A ongoing study of what macrohistorians have learned about the overall evolution of humanity, life, and the cosmos, in order to understand the role of the commons in human history: Here is our resource base: Annotated Bibliography on Civilizational Analysis Cycles Patterns Scenarios for the Future Civilizational and Ecological Collapse Biophysical ...

    P2P Foundation Theory Project 1. General P2P Theory 2. P2P Hierarchy Theory 3. P2P Class Theory 4. Integral Theory

    Bauwens, M., Kostakis, V., & Pazaitis, A. (2019). Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto (Book), London: Westminster University Press. Available as free e-book at:
    The Commons Transition project]: ebook and site

    English: Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy. By Vasilis Kostakis and Michel Bauwens. Palgrave, 2014.

    This is a summary of our key structural arguments for commons/p2p-centric social change: 1. in capitalism there is a specific articulation of market/community (nation)/command (state) in which the market is dominant. 2. a commons-centric economy has a different articulation in which the communal mechanisms of pooling shared resources are dominant. ...

  5. Structurally, we distinguish hope labor from other forms of free labor by emphasizing the temporal relationship between present and future work—a relationship that shifts costs and risks onto the individual. Hope labor is naturalized and normalized through neoliberal ideologies.

  6. Description. "The function and goal of this paper is to explore the DCO model in greater length to establish the benefits and limits of a DCO, and to begin to examine how the concept of a DCO can be brought into existence. Most notably it wishes to establish both best practice for setting up a DCO, both with respect to the foundation of the DCO ...

  7. 2017年11月21日 · In 2016, we re-named the former “Self-Organizing Enterprise (SOE)” to become the “For-Purpose Enterprise (FPE)”. Our current purpose reads “Going Beyond Employment. Liberating Purposeful Work”. Since we ‘eat our own dog-food’ we have bootstrapped our own For-Purpose Enterprise for and continue to refine the construct.

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