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  1. 國營事業招考2023簡章 相關

  2. 經濟部所屬台電、中油、台水、台糖國營事業聯合招考薪最高42K,考試沒有年齡上限. 國營事業招考826名,考試日期10/13,預估進用後第5年月薪上看6.2萬,考試科目及名額詳情

  3. 宅在家正是拉開差距的大好機會,囤好首選利器--公職應試攻略換跑道,解封後考公職,小資轉高資! 疫情延燒,工作不穩定,宅家時是否想好好提升自己的戰力?鼎文系列套書,應試攻略全收錄!


  1. Abstract. "The rise of digital platforms has formed a platform reserve army. The platform reserve army is the stagnant reserve army of contemporary digital capitalism, which brings challenges to labor control.

  2. Description Leonid Grinin: "The Production Revolution can be defined as a radical turn in the world productive forces connected with the transition to the new principle of management not only in technologies but in the interrelations of society and nature. The ...

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    From a profile article on Illich and education at "Finger and Asún (2001: 11) describe this as 'probably Illich's most original contribution'. Counterproductivity is the means by which a fundamentally beneficial process or arrangement is turned into a negative one. 'Once it reaches a certain threshold, the...

    1. Kevin Carson: "Subsidized inputs are closely related to the phenomenon of radical monopoly. They are tiedtogether by Ivan Illich's concept of “counterproductivity.” Illich distinguished the “first watershed” ofadopting a technology, in which it has net social benefits, from the “second watershed” beyond which ithas negative benefits to society. ...

    An alternative to counterproductivity are Convivial Institutions
    Kevin Carson: The Political Economy of Waste
  3. Discussion Michelle Grant: "A new Land Commons would utilise a mutual credit mechanism (a collaborative credit accounting framework) (Slater and Jenkin, 2016; Fleischman et al., 2020), to buy parcels of land without accruing debt by selling inflation-proof ...

  4. The label of compeerism is apt as it combines the commons and the ‘peer to peer’ focus into one, while adding a dimension of political intentionality by making the term an ‘ism’. Compeerism also encapsulates and puts an emphasis on the commons/community and implies sharing in the word ‘peer’, reflecting a commitment to counter ...

  5. 2023年10月16日 · Collective bargaining: Data cooperatives, as a subcategory of platform cooperatives (Calzada, 2020), enable e-diaspora communities to negotiate better terms with data buyers and sellers, increasing the value of their data and ensuring a fair share of the benefits

  6. More than twenty research centers focusing on Constructive Postmodernism and process thought have been established at Chinese universities, including Zhejiang University, Peking Normal University, and Harbin Institute of Technology.