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  1. the MONDRAGON Corporation network with 100 affiliated cooperatives, rather than the loosely coordinated swarm intelligence that they might appear as from a distance. Inspired by Rawson’s analysis, we can roughly sketch three layers of a DAO: ...

  2. The application is a smart contract on Polygon that forwards Crowdstakers' DAI into an interest generating Aave lending pool. 100% of the generated interest gets sent to the Breadchain Cooperative which is controlled democratically by its members.

  3. “Dion Almaer's Being Open is Hard provides a great starting point for describing how all Dojo Foundation projects are "100-point" open source projects: 0 points: Say you are open 10 points: Choose an OSI license (BSD, AFL, Apache, MIT, etc.) 20 points: Define

  4. Now lets imagine a few hundred Gridbeamers making components and custom parts that that are all interchangeable. This means, the more people we can get to build with Grid beam for their special projects, the more applications and custom components they will be creating.

  5. "Research on 100% renewable energy systems is a relatively recent phenomenon. It was initiated in the mid-1970s, catalyzed by skyrocketing oil prices. Since the mid-2000s, it has quickly evolved into a prominent research field encompassing an expansive and growing number of research groups and organizations across the world.

  6. Too utopian perhaps, but if someone from 100 years ago is to look at technologies we have now, a lot of it maybe construed as magic too. Without being strictly sentimental with the past or the future, there's a point I'm trying to make. I did not think I'd be working ...

  7. It was through this coalition that they have been able to realize their vision for wooden architecture, low-density construction, and 100 percent unrestricted public access to the river bank. Making this vision a reality has not been without stress, struggle, and the need for structure.

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