Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Citi Taiwan Business Department Code remains to be 021-0018 (021 as the bank code, and 0018 as the branch code) The account number and related rights of all Citi corporate and institutional clients in Taiwan remain unchanged. Please use 021-0018 for all TWD incoming transactions, and SWIFT CODE: CITITWTX for all FCY incoming tractions, to ...

  2. 於審定「神經障害等級」時,須有精神科、神經科、神經外科或復健科專科醫師診斷證明及相關檢驗報告(如簡式智能評估表(MMSE) 、失能評估表(modified Rankin Scale, mRS)、臨床失智評估量表(CDR)、神經電生理檢查報告、神經系統影像檢查報告及相符之診斷檢查報告等 ...

  1. 其他人也搜尋了