Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋

  1. 富邦產物保險公司 相關

  2. 期間限定,強制險 汽車最高優惠330元,機車最高優惠210元,任意險 優惠82折起。立即試算保費. 汽車強制險最高省330元,機車強制險最高省210元,任意險優惠82折起,立刻試算投保。

  3. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    網路投保試算享優惠,快速又方便,馬上試算GO! 24H網路試算投保,不必出門,4步驟速享保障!車險/住宅火險/旅平險/傷害險,各項險種e指輕鬆搞定

  4. GOOD固得理財 專業量身規劃,貸款"利差"的重要性說明,在無聯徵情況免費試算可貸方案輕鬆貸走. 快速貸給您投資理財、債務整合、購車買房、結婚遊學等資金周轉,線上填單快速回覆.


  1. The Sardex is a monetary network that connects various businesses – at the moment it is trying to open to private citizens - helping them to exchange services and products without using Euros or other state currencies, and outside the limits of barter. The network lends Sardex credits to firms as bank credit, but with no interest.

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