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  2. 那你知道憂鬱症自閉症的英文嗎? 這邊列出 6 個常見的精神疾病, 讓大家看劇之外還能學英文! Table of Contents. 1. 自閉症 Autism. 2. 憂鬱症 Depression. 3. 躁鬱症 Bipolar Disorder. 4. 厭食症 Anorexia Nervosa. 5. 注意力不足過動症 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 6. 創傷後壓力症候群 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 迫不及待想馬上開始練習嗎? 快打開 VoiceTube App 練英文! 1. 自閉症 Autism.

  3. depression uk / dɪˈpreʃ.ən/ us / dɪˈpreʃ.ən/ B2 noun. a mental illness in which a person is very unhappy and anxious for long periods and cannot have a normal life during these periods: Tiredness, loss of appetite, and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression. 乏力、沒有食慾和失眠都是憂鬱症的典型症狀。

  4. 常 見 英 文 單 字 及 縮 寫. Schizophrenia思覺失調症. bipolar disorder 雙極性情感疾患【mania (躁症);depression(鬱症)】. M.D.P. (Manic-Depressive psychosis) 躁鬱症. M.D.D. major depressive disorder 重鬱症. O.C.D. (obsessive-compulsive disorder) 強迫症. O.M.D. (Organic Mental disorder) 器質性精神障礙 ...

  5. 2022年8月31日 · 隨著現今社會的快速發展變動被列為文明病之一的憂鬱症也漸漸普遍於大眾之中本文介紹心理疾病相關的英文字詞讓你對憂鬱症人格分裂等相關疾病有更多的理解Bob在和Sofia講他最近生活遇到的困擾…… Bob: Sometimes I “woke up” without knowing what I’ve been doing in the past few hours, it’s like there’s a blank between my memories, which is quite confusing and troublesome. Bob:我有時候會突然「醒來」不知道過去幾小時自己做了什麼,就好像我的記憶之間有空白,讓我覺得很困擾。

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  6. Illusion 錯覺. Hallucination 幻覺【visual ( 視);auditory(聽);olfactory( 嗅);gustatory( 味); tactile( 觸)】. Lilliputian hallucination 小人國幻覺. 4. Somatic hallucination 身體幻覺. 5. J.O.M.A.C. (Judgement, Orientation, Memory, Abstract thinking, Calculation) 判斷力; 定向感;記憶力;抽象思考力;計算能力.

  7. a mental illness causing someone to change often from being extremely excited to being very depressed. 患憂鬱症的. depressive uk / dɪˈpres.ɪv/ us / dɪˈpres.ɪv/ adjective. suffering from or relating to depression: a depressive personality 憂鬱的性格. (憂鬱症在Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) 浏览. 由於. 魷魚. 猶豫不決.

  8. DEPRESSION翻譯不快樂, 憂鬱抑鬱;消沉沮喪, 憂鬱症, 沒有活動, (經濟)蕭條期,不景氣時期, 天氣, 低氣壓區, 洞, 凹陷,淺坑。 了解更多。 詞典