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  1. 房貸利率最低的銀行 相關

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  1. = FreeHouse, see: Houses as Self-Managed Entities URL = pdf Description Dark Matter Labs: "We are exploring a future where homes are not just assets to own but are self-managing entities that contribute to the community and environment. This approach ...

  2. 2017年9月19日 · Description. Pat Conaty: " Munibnb. Basically this would be an alliance of local authorities working in partnership with local residents who want to let out rooms. Munibnb would like Airbnb fund the allied update of the apps and platform to promote fair and local trade that would also ensure hotel taxes are paid and lettings are ethical.

  3. Yes, but not the particular form of money that developed in colonial Europe. The destructive implications of general-purpose money were evident to critics of market economies from Marx to Polanyi. The logic of such money is distinctly different from the “special-purpose money” that was identified, for example, among the Tiv people of Nigeria.

  4. 2012年3月7日 · The Association has established a wide definition of peer-to-peer finance providers as: ‘platforms that facilitate funding via direct, one-to-one contracts between a single recipient and multiple providers of funds, where the majority of providers and borrowers are consumers or small businesses. Generally, funding is in the form of a simple ...

  5. Description. "Pastry is a generic, scalable and efficient substrate for peer-to-peer applications. Pastry nodes form a decentralized, self-organizing and fault-tolerant overlay network within the Internet. Pastry provides efficient request routing, deterministic object location, and load balancing in an application-independent manner.

  6. Alternative currencies can be carefully created by an individual, corporation, or organization, they can be created by national, state, or local governments, or they can arise naturally as people begin to use a certain commodity as a currency. Mutual credit is a form of alternative currency, and thus any form of lending that does not go through ...

  7. 2011年10月31日 · Description. By Bernard Lietaer, Gwendolyn Hallsmith: "A Commercial Credit Circuit, or C3, is a financial innovation that resulted from work done in Brazil by Social Trade Organisation, a Dutch research and development NGO. Uruguay has implemented C3s on a national scale and is now accepting the C3 form of currency as payment for taxes.

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