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  1. * Book: The Destiny of Civilization. Michael Hudson. URL = Contextual Quotes 1. “The decline of the ...

  2. Rather than maintain the title of "king" ( wáng) borne by the previous Shang and Zhou rulers, he ruled as the First Emperor (始皇帝) of the Qin dynasty from 221 BC to 210 BC. His self-invented title "emperor" (皇帝 About this soundhuángdì) would continue to be borne by Chinese rulers for the next two millennia.

  3. 作者Michael Bauwens,, Political Economy of Peer Production. Translator: Xiangjun KONG < >, Sponsor: Jan Van den Bergh < > for i-merge interactive brandbreeding Tel: +86 136 2179 9450. 直到马克思将曼彻斯特的生产工厂看作新兴资本主义社会的蓝图,我们社会生活的基本原理才发生了更深刻的变革。

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