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  1. Professor Lei traces the development, especially since the mid 2000s of a so-called techno developmental regime, characterized by the expansion of instrumental power over the people by means of new technologies and new legal norms. So she brings her skills as a sociologist and a legal specialist into this work.

  2. Description. Jamie Ranger: "Pettman argues that the contemporary subject is being guided by “hypermodulation: the attempt to distract us from the fact that we are indeed being synchronized to an unprecedented degree” (Pettman 2016, 130). The contention is that social media’s apparatus distracts its users with small bursts of content that ...

    • Definition
    • Sources For Bittorrent Downloads
    • Bittorrent Derivatives
    • Discussion
    • More Information

    Bittorrent = An open source peer to peerfilesharing protocol written by Bram Cohen. The great thing with bit torrent is that as the number of people downloading something increases, the faster the download speed becomes for all those involved. (also check out Dijjer, an open source alternative)

    Note that they may disappear due to legal action. 1. Legal Torrents , which includes a wide selection of electronic music. It also has the Wired magazine Creative Commons CD, which has songs from artists like the Beastie Boys who agreed to release some of their songs under a more permissive copyright that allows free distribution and remixing. 2. T...

    Blog Torrent

    an improvement of BitTorrent specially designed for TV-like channels (later renamed the Broadcast Machine and finally Democracy TV) "Blog Torrent adds features to BitTorrent that make it much easier for people to ‘publish’ files. We’ve made a simple, web-based way to create a ‘torrent’ and upload it in a one step. We’ve also made it easier to install a ‘tracker’ which is necessary on the server side to connect everyone who’s sharing the files. This makes it much easier for video artists, docu...


    "Tom Mennecke, news editor of the popular file sharing news site Slyck, claimed on 1 December (2004) that: "EXeem will marry the best features of a decentralised network, the easy searchability of an indexing server and the swarming powers of the BitTorrent network into one program." He told New Scientist: "Decentralising BitTorrent holds the potential to revolutionise the P2P community." Screenshots posted on another site by a self-proclaimed eXeem beta tester show a client that incorporates...


    Legal Torrents is a project aimed at the distribution of Creative Commonslicensed music, movies and books.

    Some Background

    Internet traffic geared to audiovisual content "Researchers singled out peer-to-peer file trading as the single fastest-growing consumer of network capacity. Currently, Mauldin said, the amount of traffic from peer-to-peer trading rivals that generated by regular web surfing. Growing demand for data-rich files, such as movies, is further boosting bandwidth consumption. "From mid-2004, we saw a significant shift away from music and on to video," said Andrew Parker, chief technical officer at C...

    Why Bittorrent is not as good as it sounds

    It's good in theory, and passes tests, but in practice, it generates a lot of problems. Marc Cuban at "The premise of the technically is to break up files into pieces and distribute those pieces on to the PCs of end users who have downloaded the BitTorrent type client. Then when a user requests the file to be delivered or streamed to them, rather than having to go to a host server, a tracker determines where all the fil...

    How to start using Bittorrent files, at
    Very informative entry in Wikipedia:Bittorrent
    A profile of Bram Cohen, designer of Bittorrent, in Wired at
  3. "Zooko's triangle is a diagram named after Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn which sets out a conjecture for any system for giving names to participants in a network protocol. At the vertices of the triangle are three properties that are generally considered desirable for such names:

  4. 2.1 Details. 2.1.1 On Plenitude and Evil. 2.1.2 The role of the Copernical Revolution. 2.1.3 Simplification through Reason. 2.1.4 Lovejoy on the characteristics of Romanticism. 2.1.5 On the importance of Schelling (and Jacoby) 3 Discussion. 3.1 What Happened When the Great Chain of Being Broke Down.

  5. 1. Updated version: "The Consilience Project publishes novel research at the leading edges of global risk mitigation, governance design and culture. Our content explores the key challenges and existential threats facing humanity, and the underlying problems with current approaches for addressing them.

  6. There are dangers. Over time, different forms of group identity essentialism, such as racial essentialism and gender essentialism, can develop into formal theoretical models that prominently feature stereotypes about specific identity groups.