Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Digital Common Law. The new platform amounts to a new sort of socio-legal-technical governance regime. Digital common law, as we call it, is a bottom-up, voluntary, user-driven system that establishes context-specific norms for governing a given online community/market. While broad parameters of law continue to be set by legislatures, executive ...

  2. Nicholas Carr has been particularly pointed about the movement of digital sharecropping onto the web, and Seth Finkelstein has pointed to several examples including citizen journalism. It's a phrase that should be front and centre of everyone's mind when they see the phrase "networked production". The distinction can often be seen in who is ...

  3. Intro by Michel Bauwens [2]: P2P Value is a landmark study because it is the first long (3-year) scientific study of 300+ peer production communities, and it largely confirms the ten years of empirical observations that form the basis of P2P Theory and the documentation in the P2P Foundation Wiki. Our team was also one of the 8 partners in the ...

  4. Description. 1. From the Wikipedia: "Digital labor or digital labour is a term for a schema of ideas focusing on exploring and understanding the high levels of cognitive and cultural labor associated with the replacement of jobs in the increasingly automated industrial sector, into globalized production systems embedded in high-technology, and ...

  5. Description. "The Post-Couture Collective offers an alternative to today’s fashion system. We’re introducing a new era in the production of sustainable and affordable clothing. In our vision clothing is designed on the principles of open-source, and is made using 21st century technology. We are the first fashion label that truly embraces ...

  6. Netarchical capitalism is a hypothesis about the emergence of a new segment of the capitalist class (the owners of financial or other capital), which is no longer dependent on the ownership of intellectual property rights (hypothesis of cognitive capitalism), nor on the control of the media vectors (hypothesis of MacKenzie Wark in his book The ...

  7. Techopedia: "Kryder’s law is a term for an analysis of the density and capability of hard drive storage media over time. It is seen as a correlate to Moore’s law, a theory that holds that the number of transistors placed in an integrated circuit should double every two years, resulting in predictable progress in microprocessor speed. Kryder ...