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  1. Wheezing. This high-pitched whistling noise can happen when you’re breathing in or out. It’s usually a sign that something is making your airways narrow or keeping air from flowing through them....

  2. 2023年4月21日 · Respiratory failure is a condition in which your lungs have a hard time loading your blood with oxygen or removing carbon dioxide. It can leave you with low oxygen, high carbon dioxide, or both....

  3. 2022年9月1日 · Oxygen is a prescription medication. Do I Need It? Home oxygen therapy can help with many conditions, including: Asthma. Chronic bronchitis. Congestive heart failure. COPD ( chronic obstructive...

  4. 2023年5月22日 · What Is Wheezing? Wheezing is a high-pitched, coarse whistling sound when you breathe. Many people with respiratory allergies know that wheezing often comes with hay fever season. It may also...

  5. 2023年11月6日 · Monocytes are a type of white blood cell that fight certain infections and help other white blood cells remove dead or damaged cells and fight cancer cells. (Photo Credit: Westend61/Getty Image)...

  6. 2023年11月19日 · Your body temperature can vary for many reasons, such as exposure to cold, a long workout, or sickness. When your core body temperature drops, chills are the body's way of returning it closer to ...

  7. 2023年10月4日 · With fatigue, you have unexplained, persistent, and relapsing exhaustion. It's similar to how you feel when you have the flu or have missed a lot of sleep. If you have chronic fatigue, or systemic...

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