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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 變成,變為,搬遷到…,把…更改為

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  2. to take something you have bought back to a shop and exchange it for something else. (將購買的東西拿回店裡去)換,交換. I had to change those trousers I bought for (= take them back to the shop in order to get) a bigger pair. 我不得不把買來的褲子拿回去換了條比較大的。. change your mind. B1.

  3. 2021年9月17日 · 作為動詞意思是改變, 作為名詞時,意思可以是改變或是指零錢。 今天要介紹的是change名詞狀態,且意思是改變時的搭配詞! 組合一:動詞 + change. 表達造成改變的動詞搭配: make change 做出改變. bring about change 帶來改變. effect change 導致轉變. force change 強迫改變. produce change 造成改變. introduce change 實施改變. cause change 引起改變. 實行「改變」之後,可以使用的動詞搭配. undergo change 經歷變化. show change 顯示變化. reflect change 反應變化. adapt to change 適應變化.

  4. vi. 1.變,改變,起變化。 2.換車,換衣服,改換辦法 [策略等]。 Where do we change? 我們在哪里換車? It took me only five minutes to change. 我只用五分鐘就換好了衣服。 change about 轉換方向;變節;首尾互異,反覆無常。 change arms 【軍事】換 (掮槍的)肩。 change at... 在 (某處)換車。 change breath 〔美俚〕換換口味 [換喝另一種酒]。 change colo (u)r 變臉色。 change down [up] (汽車)改成慢擋 [快擋];開慢 [快]。 change foot [step] 變方向;變態度;變步驟。 change for... 換車往 (某處)。

  5. "Change to" is used when you have something or you are watching something and you want to replace it with something else such as "I want to change my haircolor to black" and "change with" is like when you trade with someone ex. "I changed my notes with

  6. 同義詞詞典:英語中 change to 的同義詞和反義詞. change to. verb. 這些都是與 change to 相關的單字和片語。 任意點選單字和片語去往同義詞詞典頁面。 或者, GET. Synonyms. get. become. come to be. get to be. be changed to. grow. turn to. turn into. be converted into. wax. Antonyms. stay. remain. TURN. Synonyms. turn. change. become. transform. metamorphose. convert. alter. make. Antonyms. remain. stay.

  7. 片語動詞. "change into" 例句. The prince was changed into a frog. "change into" 相關課程教材. Change the channel. 換個頻道。. 瀏覽教材. To help them ease into the time change, some Americans celebrated National Napping Day. 為了緩解時制改變對大家帶來的影響,有些美國人慶祝全國午睡日。.

  8. A1 [ T ] to exchange one thing for another thing, especially of a similar type: change jobs She's just changed jobs. change the subject Let's change the subject (= talk about something different). A2 [ I or T ] to make or become different: I almost didn't recognize her - she'd changed so much.

  9. 辞典例句. I want to change to a room for one with only a shower room. 我想换一间只有淋浴室的单人间. 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供change to的中文意思,change to的用法讲解,change to的读音,change to的同义词,change to的反义词,change to的例句等英语服务。.

  10. For “changed into” you’re talking about the same thing the whole time. “Changed into” examples: -“The girl ‘changed into’ her costume.” (She is still the same girl) -“The caterpillar ‘changed into’ a butterfly.” (The caterpillar is now a butterfly, but it’s still the same entity)

  11. 動詞. 改變. "change" 例句. I need to change my car's oil. 我的車子需要更換汽油。 He's changing the channel. 他正在切換頻道。 He's changing the tire of his car. 他正在更換車子的輪胎。 "change" 相關課程教材. Change the channel. 換個頻道。 瀏覽教材. That will change in April. 這個部分在四月會有所改變。 瀏覽教材. And they want things to change. 他們希望能有所改變。 瀏覽教材. Do you have change for...? 請問你有零錢找開...嗎? 瀏覽教材.

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