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  1. A peer-to-peer wiki is a serverless decentralized wiki, hosted, edited, administrated and operated on its users' computers on the Peer Net. Imagine git (or another DCVS [1]) but with asynchronous and real-time text editing, a p2p conflict management system, and a user-friendly interface. P2P Wikis redefine how we publish, edit, host and ...

  2. Description. Uzi Shmilovic: 'The virality coefficient is super important, but there's one other critical number that you should pay attention to--the cycle time. The cycle time is the average time it takes from the moment that one of your users performs a viral action to the moment that a new user signs up because of this very action.

  3. Email (or [email protected] Jabber [email protected] Matrix Wire strypey Jami (formerly Ring) strypey Fediverse @ [email protected] Minds @strypey More Information Disintermedia ICT Infrastructure Commons Open Standards ...

  4. Discussion Peter Turchin: "The gist of the argument is as follows. The Great Eurasian Steppe stretches some 7,000 km from Manchuria to Wallachia. After the Eurasian pastoralists developed horse riding around 1000 BCE (Turchin et al. 2016), the steppe became ...

  5. Climate change is exacerbating land degradation in low-lying coastal areas, river deltas, drylands and in permafrost areas. In 2015, about 500 million people lived within areas which experienced desertification between the 1990s and 2000s.

  6. Discussion. From a review of the book by James C. Scott, Against the Grain, by Alex Sager: "Against the Grain focuses on Mesopotamia to overturn the dominant narrative of the state’s rise. According to this, the domestication of plants and animals led to people settling in one place.

  7. Two examples of the role of the commons in civilizational transitions: The Peace of God Movement and the First European Revolution, 975-1050 (bk: Richard Moore) The Togukawa transition in Japan. “Japan’s Tokugawan period, between 1600 and 1868, was one of relative peace, prosperity and strikingly unusual population stability.