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  1. Description Rick Falkvinge, founder and leader of the Swedish Pirate Party: "There's a superb hard science game called Transhuman Space that is probably one of the most believable views of what Earth may be 100 years from now I've ever read. In that game ...

  2. Discussion The Rise of the Precarious Contract Worker BY KYLE CHAYKA: "It’s ... creating a new, precarious branch of the labor force in the name of innovation and job-creation. Take the race to disrupt the taxi industry, for example. Uber and Lyft are competing in ...

  3. Kyle Harris: "In 2007, Denver taxi drivers joined Communications Workers of America Local 7777. In 2009, they launched the city’s first taxi driver-owned worker’s cooperative: Union Taxi. Five years down the road, a new bunch taxi drivers, tired of the high cab ...

  4. Module 1: The anthropology of peer to peer and the commons P2P as a relational dynamic: new social relations, then and now Commoning Against The Crisis. (Chapter 6) By Angelos Varvarousis and Giorgos Kallis. URL The commoning movement in Greece