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  1. [NOWnews今日新聞] 美國職棒MLB邪惡帝國紐約洋基在休賽季成功網羅明星投手Marcus Stroman與他簽下一份2年3700萬約11.5億新台幣合約Marcus...

  2. [NOWnews今日新聞] 美國職棒芝加哥小熊隊先發投手Marcus Stroman在今年球季結束後正式成為自由球員而根據今日美國大聯盟專欄作家Bob Nightengale報導洋基隊在爭取大谷翔平山本由伸加盟失利後傳出和小熊明星右投Marcus Stroman互感興趣洋基有望將他簽下試圖補強先發陣容。...

  3. 2024年3月30日 · TAMPA, Fla. — Yankees right-hander Marcus Stroman sat up in his chair with a sudden twinge of curiosity. He reached into his locker at Steinbrenner Field and grabbed his cellphone, then snapped...

  4. 故事作者: 記者張志宇/綜合報導 • 17 分鐘. [NOWnews今日新聞] 紐約洋基MLB休賽季以2年3700萬約11.5億台幣簽下明星右投Marcus Stroman其中洋基總管Brian Cashman也在今19日針對過往有關Stroman的負面評價給出解釋。...

  5. Stroman is a two-time All-Star with a new two-year, $37-million contract, and he looked like a great buy in his first Yankees regular-season start. The righty who has one of the best sinkers in...

  6. 2024年1月12日 · The New York Yankees made a savvy signing on Thursday, inking veteran right-hander Marcus Stroman to a two-year deal. The 32-year-old is in a rare class of pitchers over the last few years.

  7. [NOWnews今日新聞] MLB舊金山巨人本季在自由市場屢戰屢敗先後錯過大谷翔平山本由伸及今永昇太亟欲補強的巨人軍把雷達掃向下一個目標根據FanSided記者Robert Murray透露巨人球團對明星右投Marcus Stroman相當感興趣。...