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  1. 1.合用鋰鹽,會減少鋰的排除,並增加鋰毒性的風險。. 2.合用furosemide (同為利尿劑),可能造成體液和電解質大量或長時間流失。. 3.本藥所引發的低血鉀症,會增加心肌對毛地黃的敏感性,可能出現嚴重心律不整。. 4.合用皮質類固醇或腎上腺皮質激素,會增加低 ...

  2. › wiki › MetolazoneMetolazone - Wikipedia

    Metolazone is a thiazide-like diuretic marketed under the brand names Zytanix, Metoz, Zaroxolyn, and Mykrox. It is primarily used to treat congestive heart failure and high blood pressure . Metolazone indirectly decreases the amount of water reabsorbed into the bloodstream by the kidney , so that blood volume decreases and urine ...

  3. 利尿性降血壓藥. Treatment of hypertension and edema. 副作用 Side Effects:. 性功能障礙, 腹瀉, 由臥坐姿起立時會頭暈, 無食慾. Sexual problem, diarrhea, dizzy when getting up from a lying or sitting position. 注意事項 Special Instructions:. 警 語:可能引起眩暈、頭痛、肌肉痙攣、疲倦、關節痛 ...

  4. 2023年8月28日 · Metolazone is a cardiovascular agent, specifically a quinazoline diuretic related to the thiazide class. Metolazone works by inhibiting sodium transport across the epithelium of the renal tubules (mostly in the distal tubules), decreasing sodium reabsorption, and increasing sodium, chloride, and water excretion.

  5. 藥物警語與資料出處. 康健知識庫的藥物資料來源為衛生福利部食品藥物管理署公開資料. Mykyo Tablets 0.5mg (Metolazone),點擊看用法用量及副作用。. 適應症:<a href= title=高血壓 class=gtm-event data-category=web_kb data-action=drug data-label=click ...

  6. METOLAZONE 可以治療高血壓,慢性心力衰竭,水腫嗎?. | careEASY 康護易.

  7. InChI=1S/C14H14N2O/c1-14(2,12-6-4-8-16-10-12)13(17)11-5-3-7-15-9-11/h3-10H,1-2H3 Y. Key:FJLBFSROUSIWMA-UHFFFAOYSA-N Y. 美替拉酮(英語:Metyrapone,也譯為甲吡酮,商品名:Metopirone)是一種可逆的類固醇11-β-羥化酶(英語:Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase)(CYP11B1)抑制劑[1],可用於診斷腎上腺皮質 ...

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