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  1. 1. COGNITIVE: self and community actualization, role, service, identity, and esteem. 2. PHYSICAL: water, food, housing, safety, and security. 3. SPIRITUAL: spirituality and life purpose. 4. EMOTIONAL: love, relationship, and belonging. The breath of life theory predicts that, if the relational worldview principles are out of balance within the ...

  2. It is an attempt to redefine the craft of anthropology into one guided and inspired by decolonization movements and by the struggles of indigenous peoples, Africans in the Americas, and various anti-systemic movements. ZERO ANTHROPOLOGY arises from a dissatisfaction with the state of knowledge in contemporary and classical anthropology, and is ...

  3. Humans are among a small handful of species that are extremely social. Phenotypically we are primates, but behaviorally we’re more akin to the social insects (Haidt, 2013). Our ultrasociality allows us to function at much larger scales than as individuals. At the largest scales, cultural evolution occurs far more rapidly than genetic ...

  4. the face of the earth permanently altered.53 Yet Spengler, who was socialized during a period of explosive industrial growth in Germany, went on to conceive an alarming vision of the nature of the interchange between humanity and the natural environment ...

  5. "Unequal exchange theory posits that economic growth in the “advanced economies” of the global North relies on a large net appropriation of resources and labour from the global South, extracted through price differentials in international trade.

  6. Alfred North Whitehead is as central to process thought as Marx is to socialism. We believe that Whitehead is important for Organic Marxism in two ways. On the one hand, he helped to convince Western thinkers in the twentieth century that process is central to both science and human experience, in the way that the I Jing convinced Chinese philosophers of the same conclusion.

  7. Another example can be observed in Berdyaev’s assessment of the most notable of Cosmists (N. Fedorov) Berdyaev described Fedorov’s framework as one that was undesirably projective because it shifted the sphere of existing to the sphere of This shift from ...

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