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  1. 2024年4月27日 · The YouTuber, also known as Toyz, was detained in 2021 when police in Taichung City tracked down the supplier of a group of marijuana users. After admitting his part and providing information about his sources, Lau was released on bail of NT$1.5 million (US$.

  2. 2024年5月16日 · The YouTuber, who is also known as Toyz, was detained in 2021 when he was suspected of having supplied vaping cartridges to a group of marijuana users. The Supreme Court rejected his final appeal against the prison sentence last month.

  3. 2024年6月12日 · 「依托咪酯」在多國已被列為毒品,禁止吸食,試問究竟台灣何時列管?法務部檢察司長郭永發表示,列為毒品有一定的流程,衛生福利部食藥署於今年5月將「依托咪酯」列為管制藥物,法務部將於明日召開會議,正式討論是否列為毒品納管。

  4. 2024年6月10日 · TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Police arrested a German bartender for possessing marijuana cookies among other forms of cannabis and related paraphernalia on June 1 in New Taipei's Tamsui. In May, Tamsui Precinct police received a tip that a person had drugs at a bar on Zhongzheng East Road near the Blue Riverside Hotel, reported EBC News.

  5. 2024年1月21日 · TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — One of Taiwan’s most famous internet celebrities, Chao-ge (超哥) from the YouTube channel Superpie, was arrested after attacking a well-known gamer from Hong Kong, known as Toyz, on Saturday (Jan. 20) night in Taipei.

  6. 2024年3月15日 · 毒性休克症候群則是:出現低血壓,且合併至少兩項以上器官功能異常,包括:腎功能異常、肝功能異常、血小板低下或彌漫性血管內凝固症、紅疹、急性呼吸窘迫症、壞死性筋膜炎/壞死性肌炎。 # 鏈球菌 # A群鏈球菌 # 致死率 # 毒性休克症候群 # 細菌 # 日本 # 感染.

  7. 2024年4月6日 · 1141. 黃子佼性騷風波甫歇,近日被爆出10年內在偷拍論壇上購買百部影片,其中7部為未成年不雅片,台灣女星隋棠5日發聲譴責並劃清界線。 黃子佼近日性侵獲判不起訴,深夜發文強調自己一再反省保證不會再犯,請求大眾給予向前更新的機會,但 道歉文 隻字未提受害者,自去年被爆出性騷後,黃拍攝影片坦承後自殘被送醫,之後更被爆出去年道歉後仍上網購買不雅片的紀錄。

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