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  1. Watson was an inmate at a California prison, sharing a cell with David Bob and Louie Conti, both of which were serving life sentences for aggravated sexual assault of an underage child. 沃森曾是加利福尼亞監獄的一名囚犯,與大衛-鮑勃和路易-孔蒂同住一間牢房,兩人都因對未成年兒童實施嚴重性侵犯而被判終身監禁。

  2. 2013年2月,蘭姆被發現死在洛杉磯臭名昭著的塞西爾酒店的水箱裡,有一家酒店過去臭名昭著,是另一個離奇的案件發生地。 The body was found after guests made horrifying complaints of tainted water prior to her death. 屍體被發現後,客人在她死前提出了可怕的投訴,說水被汙染了。 Lamb, who suffered from bipolar disorder, was seen acting in a bizarre manner on the hotel's elevator security footage. 患有躁鬱症的蘭姆,在酒店的電梯監控錄像中,看到他的行為怪異。

  3. 你我都會面對死亡,但不是每個人都認真活過 (EVERYBODY DIES, BUT NOT EVERYBODY LIVES) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. It is not death most people are afraid of. 人們最害怕的其實不是死亡。. It is getting to the end of life only to realize that you never truly lived. 而是來到生命終點,卻發現自己從未 ...

  4. 重點、當前事物,才是首要之務 。 Vanessa , a lot of what 's holding you back right now is anxiety about the future or regrets about the past . 凡妮莎,妳現在舉足不前的原因來自於妳對未來的徬徨、對過去的遺憾。

  5. 每段關係都不應該包含暴力對待,無論是肢體暴力或言語暴力! 你的情人占有慾強、善妒、口出惡言、甚至對你拳打腳踢!? 勇敢與牠斷絕關係吧!你值得被好好對待! Wellcast這次要教你如何安全地離開恐怖情人。 【重要片語】 After all: 畢竟 have everything to do with: 與...密切相關...

  6. You give and take equally. 付出與接受的應該一樣多。 One person's needs aren't met over another's. 一方的需求不應該讓另一方負荷不了。 Friends and partners are supposed to give you energy, lift you up when you're down, and want the best for you. 朋友和伴侶應該要給你力量,在低落時拉你一把並為你著想。 But sometimes we get into relationships that drain energy from us. 但我們有時候會陷入消耗精力的感情中。

  7. 2017年5月8日 · 沒錢沒時間學英文嗎?沒關係!每日口說挑戰是一個讓你每天只需要花五到十分鐘,而且不用花上任何一毛錢的學習平台,此外每天還有不同的講師針對不同的影片作發音以及字彙教學,聽完講解後你還可以朗讀句子錄音磨刀小試一番,和其他 VoiceTubers 一起切磋學習,有機會還能獲得講師的親自 ...

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