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  1. these singers had been castrated before puberty, halting the hormonal processes that would deepen their voices. 這些歌手在青春期前被閹割來停止荷爾蒙的變化, 以免他們的聲線變低沉。. Known as castrati, their light, angelic voices were renowned throughout Europe, until the cruel procedure that created them was ...

  2. 如果太高並且擱在你的腹部上,在事故中安全帶會撕扯你內部的器官。. It's also known that, during a traumatic event like a car crash, your brain can go. 還有眾所周知的是,在車禍這類的創傷事件中,你的大腦. into fight or flight mode and focus on how to survive, versus storing memories. 會進入 ...

  3. And so some examples of important words when it comes to sentence stress are names, and typically a native speaker will stress or emphasize a name. 好。. 句子中會被強調的重要單字是姓名,通常母語人士會加重或強調姓名。. Numbers are typically stressed or emphasized, and negatives are typically stressed or ...

  4. 聽著,他有著核能感染的血液. Can he swing from a thread Take a look overhead. Hey there There goes the Spiderman. Like a streak of light He arrives just in time. Spiderman, Spiderman, Friendly neighborhood Spiderman, Wealth and fame, He's ignored, Action is his reward.

  5. 你必須確實拉長音節. really stretch that stressed syllable out make it longer make it louder make it higher say. 將重音拉更長、更大聲、更高音去強調. American with me now. 現在和我一起說 American. American and to balance this out the syllables that are not stressed are. 為了平衡這個重音,其他音節 ...