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  1. HiTutor線上外語,提供歐洲語言以及東南亞語言讓你輕鬆在家學,上課時間彈性,專師團隊,教材量身訂作,11情境教學,16國外語,上線就能同步學習!

  2. HiTutor線上外語,提供歐洲語言以及東南亞語言讓你輕鬆在家學,上課時間彈性,專師團隊,教材量身訂作,11情境教學,16國外語,上線就能同步學習!

  3. 線上英文補充教材 Level 2 Unit 07 Spend, Spend, And Spend! Vocabulary Methods of Payment Monthly Expenses Shopping and Prices Vocabulary Shopaholic: A person who shops very frequently or often. Window-shop: to look at articles in the windows of ...

  4. 線上英文補充教材 Level 1 Unit 05 What's your schedule? schedule - plan for your time Telling the Time Days of the week Things to do Verbs Activity Telling the Time Dialogue 1 What time is it? - I A : Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please? B : A : B : ...

  5. 線上英文補充教材 Level 2 Unit 05 Having Fun Watching Movies Watching TV Reading Books Listen to Music Weekly Schedule Weekend Activities Entertainment - the pleasure of being entertained Watching movies Films Types of movies d. Romantic Movie ...

  6. 線上英文補充教材 Level 2 Unit 02 Family and Friends Family Relationships Marital Relationships Physical Characteristics Family relationships son - male of parents daughter - female of parents sister - female born of same parents brother - male born of same ...

  7. HiTutor線上外語,提供歐洲語言以及東南亞語言讓你輕鬆在家學,上課時間彈性,專師團隊,教材量身訂作,11情境教學,16國外語,上線就能同步學習!

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