Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 所以我就有兩隻手指。. I did tons of physical therapy to try to get my new finger to work like a real finger, and not like a toe. 我做了好多的物理治療試著讓我新的手指能像真正的手指頭一般運作,而不是像腳趾。. I was always trying to figure out how to bring them together and how to get them to come ...

  2. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。

  3. 當我在英文總統位於臺北的家中與她坐下來時,我首先談到了這個微妙的話題,即來自中國的威脅,以及在習近平的上司下,這種威脅是否有所增加。 Do you fear Xi Jinping? Do you think the world, the democratic world, should fear Xi Jinping and his ambitions? 你害怕習近平嗎? 你認為世界,民主世界,應該害怕習近平和他的野心嗎? I think Xi Jinping now dislikes the fact that he may have a plan of some sort. 我認為習近平現在不喜歡他可能有某種計劃的事實。

  4. 影片播放. Lisa wants to know if we want to get a drink later. Lisa 想知道我們晚點要不要去喝點東西。. Umm ... maybe if it's happy hour--I am so broke. 嗯...如果是特價時段就可以,我窮爆了。. I know, I can't even afford Whole Food; I have to shop at Trader Joe's. 我懂!. 我窮到買不起 Whole Food (高價 ...

  5. One where they have regular prices, and at the bottom, it says a customary tip of 15 to 20% is appreciated. 其中一份菜單上的價格是正常的,底部寫著 15% 到 20% 的小費是可以接受的。. One where they say tipping is not allowed, you can't tip but their menu prices are 15% higher. 另一份菜單寫不允許給小費 ...

  6. B1 中級 中文 美國腔 JFla 無盡 媽媽 渴望 全新 放棄 恐慌!在迪斯科舞廳 - 高希望(翻唱J.Fla)。在迪斯科舞廳 - 高希望(翻唱J.Fla (Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes ( cover by J

  7. 影片播放. My mom would be at all my sporting events. 我媽會到我的運動比賽場合. Let's say I was playing football ok. 假設我今天是踢足球,好嗎. My mother would be on the side lines, 我媽會站在邊線. and when the play on the field started going one way, 當場上的人開始往某一邊跑. my mother would run along and. 我媽就會跟著一起跑. "Marc, get up! Get up!" 說:「馬克,快跑! 快跑! I'd be like "Oh my gosh!" 我就會想:「噢,我的天啊!