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  1. 在2024 年金球頒獎典禮上,所有的目光和一些笑話都集中在泰勒絲身上,凱莉·詹娜和提摩西·夏勒梅在鏡頭前親吻,怪奇比莉在獲獎後發表了衷心的演講。 Here are our nominees for the most must-see moments of the night. 以下是我們提名當晚最值得一看的時刻。 After shouting out Taylor in his opening monologue, host comedian Joe Coy also quipped about actor Robert De Niro and how he recently welcomed his seventh child at age 79.

  2. 今晚有些新人是第一次入圍,朱恩·斯奎布以"內布拉斯加"入圍. At 84 years old, she is the oldest nominee, she was wonderful in Nebraska. 她84歲,是最年長的入圍者,她在"內布拉斯加"裡面表現的很出色. I'm telling everyone that you're wonderful in Nebraska, the film that you did, wonderful! 我正在跟大家說你在電影裡面表現很出色,很精彩! We have other first-time nominees,Lupita Nyong'o is here, they're amazing.

  3. 奧斯卡提名的電影,我也會講一些絕對不是. nominated for any awards, but are just movies that I saw since the year ended that I kind. 提名的任何項,但只是電影,我看到了自今年年底,我種。 of wanted to talk about. 的想談。 2, there are times of the movies in the description so you can skip around as you please. 2,在描述裡有電影的時間,所以你可以隨意跳轉。

  4. 睽違了22年,萬眾矚目的奧斯卡最佳男主角終於被李奧納多拿到啦!. 除了感謝所有人一路上的陪伴之外,他也利用這個公眾平台,來表達對全球暖化的關心學這些英文用法:奧斯卡,感言,框框,項,主角,點擊,雙倍,導演,帶回,覆蓋,表演,合作,網路,神鬼,巔峰,獵人 ...

  5. 生命的最後一年,2%的獲救機率。 但她用溫暖的嗓音道出It's ok. It's alright的堅強與正向。 "總不能等到人生不再艱難才決定活得快樂" 無論剩下多少時間,都要為自己而快樂。

  6. 自動播放. 【VoiceTube 挑戰 #30日歌單 】 Day 14 – 想在婚禮上播的歌 婚紗、西裝搭配亞當的臉龐 噢,小V 不行了,直接被沖「婚」頭了!. 如果不能跟 Adam Levine 結婚 也要在婚禮上無限循環這首歌 #亞當嫂是小V #他本人看的到嗎嗚嗚 你們的婚禮上會播哪首浪漫金曲

    • 5 分鐘
  7. 哦,我最喜歡求婚了!. The single most defining thing a lady could hope to achieve in her lifetime! 那是女性一生中最有意義的事。. The prize of all prizes! 是大中的大!. Look how many mommy's received! 看媽媽收到幾個了!. Well, we all know who's not coming tonight. 嗯……我們都知道今晚誰不 ...

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