Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 程度測試預約專線 服務時間:週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00 週六至日 AM 9:00~PM 21:00

  2. Unit 14 Movies Dialogue Exercise Dialogue (Buying tickets) Clerk : Hi. How can I help you? Customer : Oh, hi. I'd like to buy two students tickets for the Harry Potter and the half blood prince. Clerk : O.K. What time do you want to see? Customer : 8:30 (We ...

  3. Unit 14 Asking for Directions Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Vocabulary Apparently - (adv.) visibly, openly; evidently. Ex : Apparently, Geoff broke up with his girlfriend last night. Avenue-(n.) a wide, usually tree-lined road, path, driveway, etc., through grounds to ...

  4. Vocabulary Words out of the ordinary –special , unusual, atypical , uncommon, rare ( adj. ) sought –wanted, sought after, hunted ( adj. ) devoted - faithful,dutiful, constant, staunch, loyal ( Adj. ) distress call - a call when someone is in pain or in misery ( noun ) ...

  5. Making Request in a Restaurant Server : Would you like tap or bottled water? Customer : Tap is fine. Server : Would you like to hear our specials for today? Customer : Just your specials, please.Server: For a main course, we have stuffed flounder, filet mignon and

  6. 鎮瀾宮は西暦19805月18日に新しい寺を改築すると決め、新しい寺は元寺のように再び建てられました。 鎮瀾宮は毎年 媽祖 の誕生日旧暦3月23日には、盛大なお祭りがあります。

  7. Unit 14 Talking on the phone Expressions Dialogues Different expressions used when answering the phone at home and at work. Answering the Phone At Home Hello? Hello, Jones residence. Hello, Michelle Jones speaking. Yeah! (informal) Answering the May I ...

  1. 其他人也搜尋了