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  1. Our Story. The P2P Foundation (officially, The Foundation for P2P Alternatives) is a non-profit organization and global network dedicated to advocacy and research of commons-oriented peer to peer (P2P) dynamics in society. P2P is an abbreviation of “peer to peer”, sometimes also described as “person to person” or “people to people”.

  2. Opolis. = "technological and legal framework for the self-sovereign worker. Decentralized Employment Organizations will allow for sustainable mutuality between employer (service consumer) and employee (service provider)". URL = White Paper on Drive. "Opolis: The word “Opolis” was created from the combination of the ...

  3. and co-editor Red Pepper ( (my main voluntary activist 'job'). My books have been different stages in a grounded and experimental exploration (unfinished of course!), of the possible forms and co ...

  4. Among job types, artists and professionals report most purpose, while "operators" and laborers are least likely to be purpose-filled. The report argues that purpose-oriented employees do better work, have higher well-being, stay in their jobs for longer and are better ambassadors for their employers.

  5. When Milosevic refused to concede defeat to opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica, Otpor's example of disciplined nonviolence, along with its masses of activists, were crucial in convincing Serbia's security forces to defy Milosevic's orders to shoot at the protesters. On Oct. 7, the embattled president resigned. The unthinkable had happened.

  6. It is true that absolute decoupling on a global scale is a highly challenging project. But we can be fairly precise in measuring the magnitude of the challenge. As discussed above, it will require an investment level in clean renewables and energy efficiency at about 1.5–2 per cent of global gdp annually.

  7. The Open Value Network (OVN) model describes a blend between the 3 arrangements mentioned above, mostly coordination and some collaboration. No one works for anyone else. All labor is transferred into fluid equity through a value accounting system, which grants ownership to the participant member to a percentage of the future revenue generated ...

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